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Enid's Pov: It was Sunday and I was hanging out in Yoko's room. We were painting each other's nails and doing each other's hair while talking about stuff like boys. Somehow the conversation switched to my new roommate, Wednesday, I began to sweat and my face felt hot.
"So your new roommate Wednesday. What are your thoughts on her?" Yoko said without any issues.
"Uh well you know she's kinda scary but I bet you she's just shy." I said trying not to slur my words.
"Wanna make a bet on her?" Yoko asked. I was stunned.
"Uhh sure I guess." I said to her. 'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!' I thought to myself. Making bets on people isn't nice but I was curious what the bet was.
"I bet you $100 that she's gay." Yoko said immediately.
What!? I went silent, shocked at what she had just said.
"Uhm okay then."
"If she is gay which would make me right you pay me $100 and if I'm wrong I'll pay you $100. Deal?"
"Deal." We said as we shook hands. Oh God what have I done.

Yoko's Pov: I told Enid the bet and she agreed shockingly enough. I just knew there was something up with the new kid. Not anything like she's a stalker or something but I have a strong feeling that she is gay. We'll just have to wait and see if I'm right. I hope I am I want that $100. The conversation switched back to talking about boys.
"So Enid, do you like anyone?" I asked her.
"Uh yeah." She said
"Oh my god really? Who is it!" I said excited.
"Ajax!" She said blushing yet she somehow seemed like she was lying.
"I'm not gonna lie, Ajax is kind of ugly and rude." I said coldly but not harsh enough to hurt her feelings.
"What do you mean! He is super attractive! And he's nice, at least he is to me!" She said possibly slightly hurt by my words.
"Keep lying to yourself Enid but there's just something off about him that I don't like." I said.
"Think what you want but I like him." Enid said in a proud voice.
I don't know why but he just didn't give off good vibes. Something was off about him. I mean he was usually half the time stoned but still. I think I'll stick with sirens and vampires.
About an hour later Enid says she has to go back to her dorm and do some homework. She leaves and I sit there alone wondering why she likes Ajax. I'll figure it out someday.

Enid's Pov: I was walking back to my dorm and I suddenly heard a beautiful melody as I got closer to the dorm. I figured Wednesday was playing music. I got close to the door and opened it. I walked in and Wednesday wasn't at her desk or in her bed. In fact she was out on the balcony. I walked over to the window and opened it. Woah.. Wednesday was sitting there in a chair playing the cello. I was amazed by her ability. She just kept going on with the song. It was the most beautiful music I had heard in a while. She then finished the song and sat there for a second in silence. I walked out the window and started to speak.
"How the hell did you get that oversized shirt out the window?" I asked even though I knew what it was and didn't want to admit that her cello playing was amazing.
"I had an extra hand." She said and then I saw it. A hand. Just a hand nothing more sitting on top of the stand.
"Woah.." I said confused yet interested.
"Where's the rest of him?" I asked
"It's a mystery. No one knows." Wednesday said.
All of a sudden the rest of the werewolves in the school all howled at the same time. All of them but me.
"Why aren't you wolfing out?" Wednesday said coldly.
"Because I can't.." I said bringing my claws out.
"This is all I got." I said sadly.
It went silent. Then she stood up and dragged me back in the dorm. I didn't know why she was taking me in here but she was. She sat me on her bed and walked over to her desk. Out of the desk drawer she grabbed something. She walked back over to me and then slapped me right across the face.
"What the hell was that for!" I asked in anger.
"Hmm. Nevermind then." She said as I was confused and mad.
"What?" I said confused
"I was just seeing if anything would happen if I made you mad. Like maybe fangs or ears." She explained to me.
Her nails were long so when she slapped me it put a small scratch on my cheek then I realized what she had grabbed was a bandaid. She sat down on her bed next to me and instead of looking at her I started at the floor starting to tear up. I was on the verge of crying, not because she slapped me but because considering nothing happened when she did meant I wasn't any closer to wolfing out.
"Enid look at me." She said. I didn't look at her I just continued to look at the floor. She grabbed my face suddenly and cleaned my scratch with some rubbing alcohol.
"Ouch!" I said as the rubbing alcohol burned my wound. She placed the bandage on my face. I began to cry. I stood up in tears and walked over to my bed. I climbed into my bed and started crying into my pillow. I didn't expect Wednesday to comfort me she didn't seem like the type of person who would.

Wednesday's Pov: Enid was crying and I knew why but I didn't really care. I just ignored it and went back outside to play my cello again.

Enid's Pov: Wednesday went back out the window and started playing her cello again. I don't know why but her cello playing made me stop crying. It was a soothing melody that I enjoyed. I listened to her play her cello and soon enough I fell asleep from hearing it.

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