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Authors Note: I'm gonna be skipping the pilgrim world thing but Eugene will 100% be in the story. Also sorry if you guys don't understand math because there will be a little bit of it in this chapter! Hope you enjoy this chapter if you've made it this far!

Enid's Pov: It was finally Friday! After school was the most important dance ever! The rave'n!! I was so excited! And I knew exactly who I was going to ask to go to the dance with. I went to class with Wednesday. Our first class of the day was math. I hated math and was not the best at it but I would ask Wednesday for help whenever I needed it. In math we were given a partner project to work on. I obviously chose to work with Wednesday. The assignment was to write coordinates down on a paper and graph them then give our partner the paper with coordinates on it and a graph paper without the graph we drew. The partner has to graph the coordinates and connect the dots. I had the best idea and I wrote the coordinates down that spelled out, 'Wanna go to the dance w me?' I hope she figures it out and says yes. The teacher gave us 20 minutes to write our coordinates down and test them to see if they work. We then handed each other our coordinates and a graph paper with nothing on it. I started to de-code Wednesdays coordinates. After I figured it out I saw that she had drawn a wolf. I smiled at her blushing just a little bit. She nodded back and continued to de-code mine.

Wednesday's Pov: I started de-coding Enids coordinates after she had de-coded mine. I drew a wolf with coordinates just for her. I had no idea what else to draw so that's what I chose. I finished graphing the dots and then started to connect them. I quickly noticed what it was. It was a question. But not just any question. She asked me if I wanted to go to the dance with her. I didn't know how to respond so I just stared at the paper for a few seconds.
"Uhm- I would've asked you with words but I was kinda nervous." She said sweating and her cheeks slightly red.
"Yes." I answered to the question she had asked on the graph.
"You'll go with me!" She said excitedly.
"Yes." I replied again.
"Yay oh my god! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She said with hesitation.
I nodded silently.
We packed our stuff up and the bell rang. We all went to our next class.
After the next two classes it was lunchtime. I went to my usual table and sat down. I don't eat at lunch so it was just me sitting at a table alone. Suddenly someone who I have only seen yet not spoken to yet came up to my table.
"Mind if I sit here?" Asked a boy with glasses and curly hair.
"Not at all." I said politely.
"Thanks!" He said smiling.
"Why are you sitting here? Just a question." I asked.
"Well I was kind of tired of sitting in the restroom stalls to eat lunch. And then I saw you all alone so I figured I could sit here!" He said.
He seemed nice. Not too nice that it makes me want to gouge my eyes out though which was a good thing.
"What's your name? I'm Eugene!" The boy, Eugene, said.
"I'm Wednesday." I said.
"Ooo cool name! Is it the day you were born?" He asked me.
"No I was born Friday of the 13th. I was named after my mother's favorite poem." I replied.
"What poem?" He asked kindly.
"Wednesdays Child is Full of Woe." I answered his question.
"That's cool!" He said.
"I suppose it is to some people." I said
"Are you in any groups yet?" He asked me.
"No. I couldn't find one interesting enough." I told him.
"Well I have a group. No one's in it but me. It's called 'The Hummers'! It's a beekeeping group!" He said brightly.
"Hmm, I think I'll be joining your group Eugene." I said.
"Thank you so much!" He nicely said.
"You're welcome." I replied.
The lunch bell rang to say that lunch was over.
"I'll see you around Wednesday!" He said as he stood up, walked away, and waved at me.
I waved back at him.
"See you around." I said.
I walked to my next class and eventually reached it.
After all our classes Enid dragged me to the dress shop to buy a new dress for the dance. I entered the shop and immediately hated all of them.
"I think I'll go to a different shop." I said.
"Whatever floats your boat!" She said as she ran off looking at dresses.
I was walking by all the shops and suddenly in the window of a store was the most beautiful black dress I had ever seen. It was flowy and not too long and not too short. It was perfect. I entered the shop and went to the front desk.
"May I ask a question?" I asked the owner of the shop.
"Of course what is it?" Asked the owner.
"How much is that dress in the window." I said intrigued.
"That dress there is $60.45." She said.
"I'll take it off your hands for you." I said as I grabbed my wallet and handed her a $100 bill.
"Keep the change it's worth it." I said.
"Thank you." She said as she nodded to me.
She took the dress off the display and got it ready to give to me. She handed me the dress in a black box.
"Thank you." I said as I bowed.
"You're welcome." Said the shop owner.
I walked out of the shop and saw Enid with about three to five bags.
"How much stuff did you buy?" I asked her.
"A lot!" She replied.
"Alright then." I said.
"Find something?" She asked me.
"Indeed. You'll have to wait to see it." I told her.
"Great!" She said happily.
We walked to the Weathervane to take a break. I got the same order as last time and Enid got her usual order. Tyler gave us our drinks and walked away. Me and Enid drank our drinks as she ranted on to me about the strangest things I've ever heard. Suddenly Tyler came over to our table and asked a question.
"Wednesday can I talk to you? In private." He asked.
"Okay." I said as I stood up.
"I'll be right back, Enid." I said as I patted her on the head as I followed Tyler.
"Will you go to the Rave'N with me? I know I don't go to Nevermore but I would really like to go!" He asked me without hesitation.
"I apologize but I'm already going with someone." I said.
"Really!? Who??" He asked shocked.
"Enid asked me earlier because she didn't have a date and neither did I." I told him.
"Oh, I guess that makes sense." He said.
"I'm sorry, again." I said.
"It's alright." He said.
We walked back to where me and Enid were sitting and he walked to the front desk.
"What did he want?" Enid asked with a scowl on her face.
"Someone's jealous." I said smirking on the inside.
"I- I'm not jealous!" She said.
"Mhm. Anyways, he was wondering if I wanted to go to the dance with him even though he technically isn't a Nevermore student. I told him I was going with you." I said.
"Ohh." She said.
"I have a question." Enid told me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Uhm- Do you like girls?" She asked me.
"Are you asking me if I'm a lesbian?" I asked her.
"Maybe." She said quickly.
"Yes I'm a lesbian." I told her with no hesitation.
"Oh that's cool!" She said.
"Are you?" I asked her.
"I don't know I'm still figuring things out." She told me.
"Take your time." I told her.
"We should probably go back to the dorm and get ready." I said.
"Yeah good idea." Enid said.
We stood up and left the cafe leaving a $10 tip on the table.
Once we arrived in our dorm I took a shower and Enid did her makeup. I changed into my dress, did my makeup, and did my hair. She was wearing a slightly off white grayish dress with fluff accents. I have no clue why but she put on a pink wig. We both got finished and exited the dorm room. We walked to the gym which is where the dance was happening.
"I'll get us some punch!" Enid said excitedly.
She walked away to the tables with snacks and drinks on them. Soon enough she came back with two cups of blue punch that was smoking. The theme of the Rave'N was 'ice age' or something like that. I grabbed my cup and started to drink it. After everyone arrived at the dance they made an announcement. They then officially started the dance. Music started playing and Enid dragged me out on the dance floor. The song 'Goo Goo Muck' by the Cramps was playing. I decided to do my dancing that most people would call 'strange' or 'weird.' Where I'm from it's normal. She then started dancing as well. Suddenly a slow dance song started playing and it put me in shock.
"Wednesday we have to dance to this!" Enid said with a bright smile across her face.
No matter how much I did not want to do this I wrapped my arms around her and she put her hands on my waist and we started slow dancing to the song. I hated it. Mostly. After an hour or so I was so tired that while we were dancing I laid my head on Enid's chest. Suddenly red droplets started falling from the sprinklers. After a few minutes it was everywhere. All over everyone and everything. I tasted it to see if it was real blood or not. And of course it wasn't.
"It's paint! They couldn't even afford real pigs blood!" I said in anger.
Enid grabbed my wrist and picked me up.
"What the heck! Enid put me down!" I said.
"No I don't think I will." She said.
She was cradling me like a baby. I just accepted the fact that she wouldn't let me go and rested my body. She carried me to our dorm and put me down in the bathroom.
"You shower first I'm gonna go help them clean up." She said as she closed the bathroom door and left the dorm. After she left I showed and washed my dress. I put on some fresh clean clothes and laid down in my bed staring at the ceiling in silence.
Soon enough Enid came back still in her dress and everything. She walked into the bathroom and showered. She came out of the bathroom in her clean clothes and threw the wig away after it.
"Was the dance fun?" She asked me.
"Yeah, I will admit even though it wasn't real pigs blood the blood rain was still fun." I said smiling on the inside.
"Yay! I had a lot of fun minus the blood rain." She said.
"I'm gonna sleep now." I said to her.
"Me too." She said.
I turned to face the wall and tried to fall asleep.
She got in her bed and fell asleep immediately. I couldn't sleep so I got up and put my Taylor Swift album in the record player. This time I played the midnights album.

Authors Note: Yes I made Wednesday a Swiftie. I thought it would fit her for some reason idk why. Hope you enjoyed this chapter it's my favorite so far. If there are any characters or povs you would like me to add tell me in the comments and I'll add them! Thanks for reading!

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