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Enids Pov: Wednesday had just walked back to the dorm considering that's where she was supposed to be. I was in class sitting next to Yoko.
"So have you figured it out yet?" Yoko asked me.
"Figured what out?" I said.
"If she's gay or not?" She asked me.
"Oh! Yeah she is. By the way me and her are kinda dating but we aren't using labels until we're ready." I told her.
"I knew it! Pay up." She replied smirking.
"Right-" I said as I pulled out my wallet and gave Yoko a $100 bill.
"Thanks!" She said smiling.
"You're welcome." I replied as I put my wallet back.
The bell rang and it was time for lunch. I walked to the cafeteria, got my lunch, and sat down at a table. I ate my lunch and eventually the bell rang. We all went to our next class.
It was now the end of the day and I was walking to my dorm. I entered the room and saw Wednesday asleep in her bed. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. After I changed into my clothes and sat on the edge of Wednesdays bed. She was still asleep. I grabbed her arm to check how it was doing. I rolled her sleeve up and took off the bandages on her arm. She had a red indent on her arm. I stood up and got some new bandages for her arm and went back over to her. I wrapped her arm in the bandage. I rolled her sleeve back down and put her arm back where it was. I then stood up and went over to my desk. I opened my computer and typed on my blog about the latest gossip and stuff. I then heard a thump from the floor. I looked over and saw that Wednesday had fallen out of her bed.

Wednesday's Pov: I had just fallen out of my bed and hit my head on the floor. Enid looked over at me and got up from her desk and ran towards me.
"Oh my god! Are you okay!" She asked me as she picked me up.
I squirmed trying to get out of her arms but she didn't put me down.
"I'm fine I just fell." I said still struggling to get out of her arms.
"Oh sorry!" She said as she put me down.
"Thank you." I said coldly.
"Is your head okay?" She asked me.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Are you sure?" She said.
"I'm sure." I replied.
She then looked down at me and kissed my head expecting it to help.
"My bed is safer do you want to sleep in it?" She asked me.
"My bed is perfectly fine." I told her.
She proceeded to pick me up again.
"Enid!" I exclaimed.
I once again struggled to get out of her grasp. She carried me over to her bed and placed me down in it.
"If you need me I'll be at my desk!" She said brightly.
I stood up and started to walk back to my side of the room. She stood in front of me and stopped me from going over there.
"Nope! You're sleeping in my bed!" She said.
"No I'm not." I said harshly.
She put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me towards her bed. She pushed me to the point where she pushed me down on the bed.
"You sleep here." She said as she took her hands off my shoulders.
"I don't want to." I replied.
"Too bad! You're sleeping right here!" She told me.
"Ugh fine." I said.
I laid down in the bed and looked at the ceiling trying to fall asleep. She went back over to her desk and started typing.
"If you want I can play some music to help you sleep." She told me.
"No thank you." I replied.
"Alrighty then." She responded.
I laid down in my usual way like I was a corpse in a casket and started to drift off. Eventually I was asleep.

Enids Pov: Wednesday had eventually fallen asleep. Thankfully tomorrow was the weekend so we could sleep all day.
It was now 12am and I was still awake. I couldn't fall asleep for some reason. I yawned and got up from my desk. I went over to my bed and laid down in it next to Wednesday. She has the side with the wall and I was on the edge side. I turned to face her and stared at her for a second. Then I got closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. She was asleep and didn't notice. I soon enough fell asleep while cuddling her. I slept soundly the entire night.

Wednesdays Pov: I woke up and it was Saturday now. I realized that Enids arms were wrapped around me. I didn't move not wanting to wake her up. Instead I just closed my eyes and attempted to fall asleep. After a few minutes I fell asleep with her arms still wrapped around me. I turned to face her and wrapped my own arms around hers. I laid my head on her chest and continued to sleep.

Enids Pov: I woke up and noticed that Wednesday was cuddling me. I blushed and just looked at her for a moment. I then kissed her on the forehead and went back to sleep. It was early and I didn't feel like getting up.

Authors Note: I apologize on the short delay of this chapter. I usually write at least one chapter per day. Recently I've been having some issues at home and have not been feeling the best. Also been struggling with writers block because I didn't have any ideas. If you have any ideas please tell me and I'll take them into consideration. Thanks for being so understanding and if your wondering yes I'm okay. I will be making a Christmas special chapter for Christmas time by the way. Thanks for reading today's chapter!

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