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Authors Note: Ok so I know this story is Discontinued and all but I've had an idea for a long time and I'm not going to let it go to waste.🧍Have fun reading this chapter possibly the last one.😙✌️Also ⚠️TW: mentions of suicide and self harm⚠️

Enid's Pov:
It was about a month after the pool noodle fight with Wednesday and it was the weekend. I walked to my dorm and as I got close to the door I began to hear quiet soft sobs. I had no idea what it could've possibly been so I just opened the door and let fate decide. Once I opened the door I dropped the drink I was holding onto the ground. I was shocked to see Wednesday balled up in front of the window. Tears rolling down her face, her mascara running down her eyes. You could hear her sobbing. When she heard my drink hit the floor she looked up at me in pure shock and quickly wiped her tears, smudging her mascara and eyeshadow.
"Wednesday, are you okay!?" I ask, running towards her as she stands up shakily.
"I'm f-fine.." She replied looking down at the floor.
"No. Wednesday you're not fine. You were crying. You literally never cry, Ever!" I respond.
"I'm fine!" She snapped at me.
I decided to not say anything more and just pull her into a hug. So that's what I did. I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her tightly. Once I did she started to quietly sob again. We both slid to the floor. I was holding her in my arms as she cried. I couldn't bare to see her like this. We sat there for a minute or two, then she stopped crying. She just laid her head on my shoulder in silence making small sniffles every now and then. I pushed her back slightly so she would look at me.
"Wednesday, tell me.. what happened?" I asked both curious and upset that she was sad.
"I don't want to talk about it.." She murmured.
"Yes you do and you know it." I convinced her.
"Fine.." She finally admitted.
"You know that tree at my family home?" She asked with shaky breath.
"Yeah, Icabod right?" I replied.
She nodded in response.
"My family's landlord.." She started to say but cut her self off and hitched her breath.
"He made my family cut Icabod down.." She said through tears.
I was shocked at the most. Wednesday began to sob quietly letting her built up tears flow out like a waterfall. All I could think of was hugging her so I pulled her close again and held her.
"It's okay sweetheart.. it'll be okay I promise." I said trying to comfort her.
She didn't respond. She just kept crying onto my shoulder not being able to hold her tears back anymore. I felt bad for her. She didn't deserve such things, even if she might've murdered people. She stop sobbing but her tears still flowed as she continued to lay her head on my shoulder. A couple of minutes later she stopped crying and fell asleep in my arms. It was late after all. I picked her up and laid her down in her bed then walked over to my own and laid down. I eventually fell asleep after a few minutes.

I woke up the next day at 12:30. Wednesday was still asleep and I wasn't to going to bother her. I went to hangout with Yoko at the mall.

Wednesday's Pov:
I woke up at about 1:00. Enid left a note saying she was going to the mall. I ignored this and decided to go and try to write. I sat at my desk and tried to think. My brain wasn't working properly after.. well you know. I sat there for another hour it was now 2pm, trying to write. I then opened my desk drawer and saw a pencil sharpener. I may not have writing ideas but I certainly have some ideas. I grabbed the sharpener and unscrewed the blade from it. I picked up the blade and looked at it like it was the antidote to solve all my problems. I took the blade and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed some tissues as well. I then sat on the cold, white tile floor of the bathroom. I looked at the blade and then at my arm. I knew this wasn't the best idea ever but maybe it would help. I took a deep breath and put the blade up to my arm. I slowly slid it across my arm making a deep cut on it. Blood started to come from my arm as expected. I used the tissue to clean it up sort of. I made more cuts along my arm as blood flowed from them. The white tile now had drops of my blood on it. I ignored that and just.. kept cutting.

Enid's Pov:
I got home at 3:30pm and walked in the dorm. I noticed Wednesday wasn't in the room. I walked over to the bathroom to check if she was showering or something. When I opened the door I couldn't move. Wednesday quickly looked over at me without fear or pain.
"Shit.." I could slightly hear her whisper to herself.
The pure white bathroom tiles now covered in her dark red blood.
"Wh-what did you do..?" I asked as a tear fell down from my eye and cheek.
She didn't say anything. She just.. sat there.. staring at her arm. She then looked up at me and back at her arm.
"Well for starters I cut my arm." She replied.
"I can see that asshole!" I said crying.
"Look Enid.. don't worry about me. I'm fine." She tried to reassure me.
"No! No Wednesday! You're not fine! You're fucked up in the head! And you know what! I don't care if you are! I love you! Now get your ass up from the floor and go sit on your desk chair!" I demanded.
She just simply nodded and did what I told her to do. She left the blade on the floor and I quickly cleaned the floor, blade, and threw the tissue away. After I was finished with that I walked out of the bathroom. I found Wednesday sitting where I told her. She was sitting, staring at the floor, bouncing her leg. I could tell she was nervous or possibly scared. I had a first aid kit with me. I walked up to her and sat on the floor in front of her. She looked down at me as I put my hand on her thigh.
"Give me your arm." I said to her.
She put her arm out in front of me so I could examine it. I grabbed her arm and looked at it. There was so much blood on her arm I couldn't tell how deep her cuts were. I grabbed some shit to clean it up from the first aid kit. After I cleaned her blood I noticed.
"Oh my God Wednesday! Why'd you cut yourself that deep!" I said looking at her cuts.
She didn't say anything and just shrugged. I frowned then wrapped her arm with bandages. She stared blankly at the floor, not saying anything. I then stood up and looked at her with a sad face. She looked up at me and simply just stood up. After she stood up she kissed my cheek.
"I'm not sorry." She mischievously whispered in my ear.
I smiled to myself knowing she still had her spirit but I was still mad and upset at her for cutting herself.

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