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Authors Note: Spoilers for the movie Coraline if you haven't seen it. Enjoy the chapter!

Wednesday Pov: It was now Tuesday, the day after Christmas. The rest of the week was off for Christmas Break. It was halfway through the day. I was bored and just finished my daily writing. Enid was on her computer writing her blog. I had made a decision on how to solve my boredom. I was going to go home and I suppose check in with my family. I stood up and started to walk out of the dorm room.
"Hey, wait where are you going!" Enid said to me.
I turned around before I exited the doorway.
"I'm going outside." I told her.
"Well, I'm coming with you!" She replied.
"Must you treat me like I cannot be trusted on my own." I harshly said to her.
"It's not that I don't trust you, I'm just bored." She responded.
"Fine. Prepare yourself for one hell of a week." I told her.
"A week!?" She exclaimed.
"Oh, I forgot to mention. I'm going to my family home for the rest of the break. I suppose you can come to. Pack a bag of clothes that will last you." I said to her.
She started frantically running around the room and shoving clothes and accessories inside of a backpack. She finished packing and walked towards me.
"Don't you need a bag?" She asked me.
"No, I have my stuff at home." I told her.
"Now, let's go." I said as I walked out of the doorway.
We walked outside where the entrance was.
"I'm confused, where's the car?" Enid asked me.
"Oh, it'll be here soon." I told her.
I then snapped twice.
"How soo-" She said then was cut off as she saw my family's car in front of us.
"Woah-" She exclaimed.
"Lurch, no need to open the door for me." I told Lurch as I opened the car door and let Enid in.
She entered the car and I could tell she was amazed. I then entered the car and closed the door. Lurch then started to drive away. Enid was sitting across from me looking around the car in amazement.
"Question, how long is the drive?" She asked me.
"About two and a half hours." I told her.
"Ughhhh" She complained.
"You'll survive." I said as I opened my small backpack.
I grabbed a book out of it and started to read it. Enid stared at me for a few seconds.
"Sinclair, staring is rude and unprofessional." I told her not looking up from my book.
"Sorry-" She said.
I continued to read my book and she pulled her phone out of her pocket and started typing on it.
"When are you ever going to tell Ajax that you saw him making out with Xavier." I said still not looking up from my book.
"I don't know..." She said pouting.
I looked up and saw her staring at me with puppy eyes.
"Fine, you can sit next to me." I told her.
I scooted over a little and then looked back down at my book. She moved over next to me and looked over my shoulder to see what I was reading.
"I'm reading Coraline." I said to her.
"Oo what's that?" She asked me.
"A story about a young girl who moves into a new home and finds a small door to another world." I explained to her.
"Ooo!" She exclaimed.
"It's a horror story actually I'm not sure you would like it. It's also a movie." I said to her.
"Oh- Well I'll watch the movie with you!" She replied.
"Alright then, we can watch it when we arrive at my home." I said.
"Yay!" She responded.
Hours later we reached my home. I got out of the car and opened the door for Enid. She stepped out of the car and her jaw dropped.
"Oh. My. God!" She said shocked.
"You live in a fucking mansion!" She said amazed.
"Technically it's an old museum. But the word mansion works as well." I told her.
"Holy shit!" She responded.
I led her towards the french doors and opened them. We walked inside and she froze in shock and amazement.
"I suppose I should give you a tour considering how large our home is." I said.
"Yes!" She immediately replied.
I led her to our living room.
"Here's the main living room." I told her.
I then showed her all over the house. I ended the tour with my room.
"And this, is my room." I said as I showed her the door to my room. The door was black and had a sign on it. The sign stated 'Knock or I'll have your head.' It was just a small warning.
"Wait! I need to take a deep breath." She told me.
"Why?" I asked her.
"Because, I'm about to enter the Wednesday Addams room!" She said excited.
"Alright then. Good choice you might want to prepare yourself." I responded.
She took a deep breath.
"Ok, I'm ready!" She responded.
I opened the door and inside was... black. I had no idea what else she would've expected. There were some shades of white and gray. Even some small items or trinkets in dark blood red or a mysterious shade of purple. She looked around the room in awe.
"Woah..." She said.
My room was about the size of my side of our dorm at Nevermore just more square. Enid didn't move an inch from her spot. She observed the room and saw a second closet.
"Why are there two closets?" She asked me confused.
"One of them is for clothes and the other is full of weapons, death traps, sharp items, etc." I told her.
"Oh... That explains why you told me to prepare myself." She said concerned.
"Don't worry. I won't use any of them on you." I said.
She nodded and looked at my bed. It was black and had a dark red fluffy blanket folded at the end of it. The backboard was shaped like a spider web. The pillows were black and there were accent pillows in dark red. I had many other things in my room like trinkets, bookshelves, knife holders, and other things. The room was completely clean.
"You may place your stuff over there." I said to her pointing at a completely empty corner.
"Why's the corner empty?" She asked me.
"I usually just sit there and meditate, contemplate, stare, read, etc." I told her.
"Aww. I can't tell if that's sad or happy." She responded.
"It's normal for me." I said.
She put her stuff in the corner and walked over to me in the middle of the room.
"So what are we gonna do first?" She asked me.
"Family dinner. Then we can watch Coraline." I responded.
"Okay!" She replied.
I led her out of my room and down to the dining room.
"Wednesday darling, are you going to eat tonight?" My mother asked me.
"Possibly, what's for dinner?" I said to her.
"Your father made medium-rare steaks with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy." My mother told me.
"I think I'll pass, thank you for the offer." I told her.
We sat down at the table. Enid sitting next to me.
"Don't you think you should eat?" Enid asked me.
"My family doesn't mind." I told her.
"I don't care what you say you're eating." She said to me.
"You can't just force me to eat." I said coldly.
"Wednesday, you can't just starve yourself." She told me.
"I'm not starving myself. I'm just not hungry." I said.
"You're eating, because if you don't you're going to literally throw up." She said.
"I will not eat, or throw up." I said harshly.
"Alright then, if you throw up I'm gonna tell you I told you so." She responded.
She then started eating and so did the rest of my family. I sat there as my family talked with one another.
"So, Enid. You're dating my daughter aren't you?" My father asked.
Her face immediately flushed red. And froze in shock.
"I figured." He responded.
"Yes, Enid is my girlfriend, Father." I told him.
Her face became more red by the word 'girlfriend' considering we haven't started using labels. Until now that is.
"Well your girlfriend seems to be quite flustered." My mother replied.
"Excuse us for a moment." I said as I stood up and grabbed Enid's hand. I led her into the hall by the dining room entrance.
"Enid, are you alright?" I asked her.
"Uhhhh" She replied.
"I'll take that as a no." I responded.
"I- Yo- Uhh-" She said.
"Yes, I'm aware I called you my girlfriend. Get used to it because we're using labels now." I told her.
"Okay!" She responded.
"The bathroom is over there if you need to calm yourself." I said pointing to the bathroom.
"Thanks." She replied.
I nodded and she walked away to the bathroom. I then walked back to the dining room and sat down in my seat.
"So where's your girlfriend?" My mother asked.
"She's in the bathroom." I told her.
They continued eating and I sat there waiting for Enid. Eventually Enid came back and sat back down. They all finished eating soon enough. Once they were all done eating me and Enid went back upstairs. We entered my room and changed into appropriate sleep clothes. We then sat on the bed and I turned the TV on. I found the movie Coraline and turned it on. The first few minutes in the movie Enid seemed to be fine. When the movie got to the point where Coraline was in the other world she got slightly scared due to the fact that the parents now had button eyes. Soon enough the movie got to the part where the other mother blocked the small door back to her own world. Enid then saw the other mother morph into a more skinny and tall woman. She was spooked for sure. Coraline was then locked behind the mirror. Eventually the movie was at the end where Coraline had to find her parents and the eyes of dead children's souls. Enid then grabbed on to my arm and laid her head on my shoulder. I figured she was scared considering she was shivering and it wasn't even cold in my room. Some minutes later the movie was over.
"What did you think?" I asked her.
"It was a good movie! And I will admit it was a little scary." She told me.
"Mhm." I said to her.
"We should probably go to sleep." She responded.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Goodnight Addams." Enid said to me.
"Goodnight Sinclair." I said back to her.
We turned the TV off and went to sleep.

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