-Parents Weekend-

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Wednesday's Pov: It was a normal Saturday then I remembered that this weekend was Parents Weekend. I have to survive two full days of torture. Great. Me and Enid went to the entrance of the school where everyone and the parents were.
"I'm scared.." Enid said with worry.
"I'm not. I just don't want to see them." I said coldly.
"My parents don't know I still haven't wolfed-out.." She said restraining her voice.
"We'll survive." I said.
"I hope!" She said.
"Let's get this over with, shall we?" I asked her.
"Yes we shall." She said scared.
We walked opposite ways to our parents. I reached my family wishing I was dead.
"Wednesday!" Said my mother.
"We are so happy to see you my little storm cloud!" My father replied.
"Quite the contrary." I said.
"I missed you.." Pugsley said.
"You need to grow up Pugs. Oh who am I kidding. You can't survive without me." I said coldly.
"I know.." He said.
He then hugged me tightly.
"You have five seconds to keep doing this." I said.
"5..4..3..2..1..." He said as he hugged me still and then soon enough let go.
I put my hand on his shoulder and patted it. My mother and father then air hugged me knowing I don't like being touched. Thing then climbed out of my backpack.
"Thing! My favorite appendage!" Said my father.
"Don't think I didn't catch on to your little trick to spy on me." I said harshly.
"I- Wh-what are you talking about darling?" My mother asked nervously.
"You sent Thing to spy on me. Which just proves that you underestimate me." I coldly said.
"You caught us." My father said.
"We apologize darling." My mother said.
"I don't need your apology. Now if you'll excuse me I have important business to attend to." I said as I walked away. They then walked to the principal's office.

-With Enid-

Enid's Pov: Me and Wednesday went our separate ways and parted. I walked over to my family and waved.
"Enid!" My mother said.
"Hello daughter." My father said.
"Hi!" I said waving at my parents and brothers.
They dragged me to a table in the quad and started up a conversation. Soon enough the conversation switched to my ability to wolf-out.
"So..has it happened yet?" My mother asked.
I looked down in shame and replied to her question.
"N-no.." I said nervously.
"It's okay it'll happen soon dear." My father said reassuringly.
"Thank you.." I said.
He nodded. My mother then began to rant about how I'm a disappointment. I stood up and walked away.
"Enid where are you going!" My mother said.
"Somewhere that's not here!" I said with a mixture of anger and sadness. I then saw Wednesday walking away from her family as well. She was walking towards the beekeeper's area. I walked to my dorm however.

Wednesday's Pov: I walked to the beekeeper's area where Eugene was.
"Hello Eugene." I said.
"Oh Wednesday! Hey!" He said brightly.
"Here to hang with the bees?" He said kindly.
"Indeed. My family is rather a nuisance." I told him.
"My mothers are talking with some other parents right now, that's fine with me so I came here!" He said.
"That's nice." I said.
"So welcome to the Hummers'!" He said with a smile.
"Thank you." I said politely.
"Let's get started!" He said.
I put my protection suit on and he began to explain everything.

Enid's Pov: I was now in my dorm on my bed crying. I wish my mom could just accept the fact that I'll wolf-out on my own time! I knew she never would.
After about an hour Wednesday entered the dorm room and saw me crying.
"What happened?" She asked me.
"My mother.." I said crying.
She walked over to her side of the dorm and grabbed a box of tissues. She handed me the box and went out on the balcony to play her cello. She started playing it and I immediately felt better somehow. It was the middle of the day so it's not her usual time to play music. Maybe she was doing it to get some feelings out. Now that I think about it, I've never seen or heard Wednesday cry. I decided to ask her about this. I went out on the balcony and asked my question.
"Hey Wednesday, do you cry? Like at all?" I asked her.
"No." She replied.
"Oh come on you've at least had to cry once before." I said.
"I've only cried once in my life." She said.
"I was seven years old. Walking my pet scorpion, Nero, like any other pet owner. Some boys ambushed me. They held me away from him as he walked into the street. Then one of the boys ran him over with a bike. I cried my little black heart out and even had a funeral for him. But then I realized crying doesn't fix anything. So I vowed to never do it again." She told me.
"Woah.." I replied.
She stood up and walked back inside and I followed her.
"Where are you going?" I asked her.
"To my family. Would you like to meet my brother?" She asked me.
"Okay!" I said excitedly.
She walked out of the dorm and I followed her. We reached her family and there I saw her mother and father again. And her brother. He was adorable I just wanted to squeeze him! But I didn't.
"Hi Wednesday's family!" I said with a smile as I waved at them.
"Hello!" Said her brother.
"I'm Pugsley!" He said.
"My name's Enid! I'm your sister's roommate!" I said happily.
"Mother and father you've met Enid." Wednesday said.
"Yes, we have." Her mother, Morticia, said.
"Why don't you three go play along me and your father will be talking with some other parents." Her family said to her.
"Okay." Wednesday said.
We all walked over to the empty area of the school campus.
"Can we play freeze tag!" Pugsley asked.
"Sure!" I said.
"I suppose." Wednesday replied.
"I'll be the tagger!" Pugsley said.
"Alright! Start!" I said.
We all ran around as Pugsley chased us. He tagged Wednesday and she froze still. Holy shit she wasn't even trembling! She was on one foot too! I ran to her and tagged her which would unfreeze her. We then ran around some more and Pugsley tagged me. I stood still while shaking. Wednesday then quickly ran towards me and grabbed my wrist.
"What are you doing?" I asked her.
"Technically it counts as a tag. So I unfroze you." She said as we ran her still holding my wrist. Butterflies emerged in my stomach and I began to blush. She let go of me and we ran and ran and ran. Pugsley eventually reached us and tagged both me and Wednesday.
"Enid it's your turn to be the tagger!" He said.
"Okay!" I said smiling.
"Start!" He said and then him and Wednesday started running.
I quickly ran towards Wednesday. It might've been unfair that being a werewolf gave me a little bit of a speed boost. I tagged her and she fell and stayed still. I laughed. I then started chasing Pugsley and attempted to tag him. He dodged it! He was good at this game. He then tagged Wednesday and they started running again. I finally tagged Pugsley. Then I tagged Wednesday and it was her turn to be the tagger. The game went on for hours until it was finally time for the parents to leave.

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