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Enid's Pov: School had just ended and I walked into my dorm. I saw Wednesday at the window with a scraper and she was peeling off half of the stained glass I had put on the window. I was furious.
"What the hell are you doing to my room!" I said angrily.
"Dividing our room equally. Your side looks like a rainbow exploded." She said in a cold and harsh tone. She was making me frustrated so I just went to my side of the room and laid in my bed. She started typing on a typewriter, which was interesting for a highschool student to be doing. She did say that she didn't want to be 'a slave to technology' after all. I wondered what she was doing so I asked.
"What are you writing?"
"My novel." She said as she continued to type away. The room went silent other than her typewriter. I decided I was going to sleep for the rest of the night. Eventually I drifted off.

Wednesday's Pov: I was writing my novel in silence. I figured Enid had just fallen asleep and I was correct. The next day was the weekend so I didn't have to deal with school bothering me. I soon finished typing and took my shoes off. I walked over to my bed and lifted the covers. I climbed in bed and started to fall asleep.

Enid's Pov: It was morning now and thankfully it was a weekend. I woke up and went to go shower. After my shower I changed into my clothes and noticed Wednesday still sleeping. She slept in the strangest way like she was a corpse in a casket. It was weird yet somehow she still managed to look beautiful as ever. I paused for a moment. I just called my new roommate beautiful. I mean I wasn't wrong but I just met her! Also it was weird that I was looking at her and saying that the way she slept still made her look beautiful! My face turned red and I walked over to my desk to write in my blog.

An hour later I'm still sitting at my desk browsing the internet for no reason and Wednesday is surprisingly still asleep. I looked over at her staring again. 'Snap out of it Enid!' I told myself. I think my hormones are just getting to me. I stood up and walked over to Wednesdays bed. After staring at her for another minute or two I take her blankets and tuck her in. She never put her blankets over herself last night whenever she went to sleep. I smiled and possibly slightly blushed. I decided to go out into the town, Jericho, and visit the Weathervane for a cup of coffee. I wrote a note saying, "Went into town to get some coffee. -Enid<3" And then I placed the note on Wednesday's desk next to her typewriter hoping she would see it when she wakes up.

Wednesday's Pov: It was about 10 AM and I had just woken up. I rubbed my eyes so I could see better and noticed Enid wasn't here. I ignored this and went to my desk to start writing. I saw a note on the side of my typewriter from Enid telling me she went to the town to get some coffee. I didn't really care and started writing.

An hour later when I was done writing I was sitting in my bed reading a book and then Enid walked in.
"Oh hey! Someone was a sleepy head this morning I'm glad you're awake now!" She said with a bright smile across her face and a to-go cup of coffee in her hand.
"I got you coffee if you want it."
"What kind of coffee?" I asked.
"Black coffee, no cream, two sugars." She said.
Shockingly enough she actually got a type of coffee I like.
"Thank you." I said politely.
"No problem!" Enid said as she handed me my cup of coffee.
I slowly took sips of the coffee trying to make it last as long as possible while reading my book. I read for about an hour until I got bored and set the book down. The coffee cup was empty by then. It was lunch time so I decided to go into the cafeteria at the school and get myself a snack. I grabbed a granola bar and some candy and paid for it. After paying I left the cafeteria and went back to my shared dorm.

Enid's Pov: Wednesday came back from the cafeteria with a granola bar and some candy. She ate the granola bar but not the candy which confused me.
"Why aren't you eating the candy?" I asked confused
"Because I don't feel like eating it right now. Also some of it's for you." She said as she walked over to me and handed me a bag of Skittles and a pack of gum.
"Awh! That's so sweet of you Wedsy!" I said with a smile across my face.
"A. I'm not sweet. B. Don't call me 'Wedsy.' And C. I just figured you would want something considering all you've had to eat today was a cup of coffee." She said.
"It was still a nice thing to do."
"Mhm whatever." She said with monotone.
"Did you get any candy for yourself?" I asked.
"Yes. I got black bubblegum, and some black licorice." Wednesday said.
"Interesting choice but no judgement here." I said.
She quietly walked over to her bed and laid there staring at the ceiling for some reason. I didn't mind what she did so I walked over to my desk and began to write about the past days and how I felt in my diary.

Wednesday's Pov: I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. I wondered why I was still here. I don't want to be here. I want to go home and have my normal room back. I don't hate my roommate but she's not my favorite person ever but she's better than that kid who bullied my brother.

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