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Wednesdays Pov: I woke up and it was a foggy Sunday morning. Enid was asleep so I figured I would just wake her up. I stood up and walked over to her bed. I stared down at her and lightly flicked her on the head. She woke up and was startled due to the fact that I was creepily staring down at her.
"Gah! Do you have to stand right there!" Enid said.
"Yes, yes I do." I replied.
"You're still gonna be mean to me even though we're technically in a relationship huh?" She asked me.
"Yes." I said without hesitation.
She sighed and stood up to stand in front of me. I took a step back giving her more space.
"Go brush your hair, it's a mess." I told her.
"And what if I don't?" She responded.
"I'll just have to do it myself then." I said to her.
"Huh?" She replied confused.
I grabbed the chair from her desk and put it in front of her.
"Sit down." I told her.
"Okay.." She said as she sat down.
I walked over to the bathroom and grabbed her hairbrush. I walked back over to where she was sitting.
"Whatever you do, do not move." I said to her.
She nodded and sat up straight and stayed still. I took the hairbrush and started to brush her hair.

Enids Pov: I was sitting down in a chair with Wednesday brushing my hair. I blushed as she took my hairbrush through my hair. She brushed my hair until it was perfectly straight and shiny. She stopped brushing my hair and put the hairbrush down. She then walked back into the bathroom to put the hairbrush up. She came back with a handheld mirror so I could see.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed amazed at what she had.
"Are you magic or something!" I responded amazed.
"No, I just brush my hair a lot. Braiding your hair everyday makes it curly and messy." She replied.
"Really? I mean I've seen your hair without braids but it's never been curly or messy." I told her.
"I'll show you I suppose." Wednesday said to me.
"Really!" I said brightly.
"Yes, now calm down." She responded.
She walked behind me and sat on my bed. I turned around in the chair and looked at her. She started unbraiding her hair and brushing her hands through it. I watched her as she started to finish unbraiding her hair. She finished unbraiding her hair and looked up at me.
"Woah..." I said as I stared at her.
I couldn't tell but I think she was blushing a little. I was blushing as well. Her hair was beautiful. I know I've seen her hair down before but it's never been curly.
"Your hair is beautiful!" I said smiling brightly.
"Thank you." She replied.
I reached my hand out and bounced one of the curls in her hair. She grabbed my wrist and stopped me from messing with her hair.
"Like I said before I know we're basically in a relationship but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna be 'mean' to you." She said coldly.
"Got it-" I replied.
She let go of my wrist and I shook my wrist for no real reason.
"You know Weds." I started to speak.
"Hm?" She responded
"Tomorrow's Christmas!" I said brightly.
"I'm aware." She replied.
"We're gonna have a gift exchange after breakfast tomorrow!" I told her.
"Who's 'we'?" She asked.
"Me, Xavier, Ajax, Yoko, Divina, Kent, Bianca, and Eugene! If you want you can come!" I said to her smiling.
"Hmm... I'll think about it." She responded.
"Yay!" I said happily.
"I said I will think about it." She coldly replied.
"Got it!" I said.
I wrapped my arms around her trying to hug her.
"Enid! Get off of me!" Wednesday said trying to push me off her.
I kept putting my weight on her so she couldn't push me away.
"Sinclair!" She responded still struggling to push me off of her.
Eventually she gave up and she accepted the fact that I was hugging her.
"Enid you're-" She started to speak.
"What now?" I said confused.
"You're ears-" She told me pointing at the top of my head.
I touched my head and noticed that my wolf ears were there. She pushed me away and stood up.
"Wh- where are you going!" I said.
"To grab something calm down." She replied.
She walked to her closet and grabbed a black box from out if it. She came over to me and opened the box.
"What's inside of it?" I asked her.
"A knife." She responded.
"I- Wh-" I said confused.
"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you with it." She said as she took off the fabric covering the knife.
"Woah-" I replied amazed by how shiny it was.
She took it out of the box and held it up in front of her. She had her initials engraved on the blade of the knife.
"Where'd you get the knife from?" I asked her.
"My father. He had me a special custom made knife with my initials on it. He gave it to me on my 9th birthday." She told me.
"Interesting-" I replied.
"Indeed it is." She said.
She stared at the knife for a minute. After she was finished staring she put the knife back in the box and put the box back in her closet. She came out of the closet and walked back over to me.
"Why'd you take it out of the closet just to put it back in there?" I asked confused.
"I just wanted to look at it." She replied.
"It's pretty late we should probably go to sleep." I told her
"Who cares. We don't have school tomorrow anyway because of Christmas." She said.
"Good point." I replied.
"So whatcha wanna dooo?" I asked her.
"I plan on writing while you do whatever you do." She responded.
"Alrighty!" I said.
She walked over to her desk and started typing on her typewriter. I laid down on my bed and started browsing the web on my phone. Suddenly I stopped hearing the clacking of the keys whenever Wednesday would type. I put my phone down and looked over at her. She was sitting there staring down at her paper, hands hovering over the keys. I didn't say anything. It was completely silent in the room.
"Hey, Weds are you okay?" I asked her.
"Yeah just writers block." She replied.
"You sure?" I said.
"I'm sure." She responded.
It was about 2am. Wednesday stood up and pushed her chair in.
"Where are you going?" I asked her confused.
"I was wondering if you would like to go on a walk." She said to me.
"Uhm sure! It's pretty late but I suppose it wouldn't be the end of the world." I said.
She walked over to me and I stood up and stood in front of her. She nervously put her hand in front of me shaking.
"Aww you want to hold my hand?" I teased her.
She didn't reply but looked down at the floor slightly blushing her hand still shaking in front of me.
"You're making progress!" I said.
I grabbed her hand and she led me out the door and down outside. We walked to the forest and walked around in the forest for about an hour or so. I checked my phone and it was 3am. She was still holding my hand. Her hand was sweating and she was still shaking.
"We should probably head back to the school it's pretty late." I told her.
"It'll be fine I'll make sure that we get back before sunlight." She said.
We walked far into the forest and found a picnic table. We walked over to it and she sat down on the table part of the table. I sat down on the bench part. I faced her and she faced me. Her legs were on both sides of me with her feet on the bench part. She put one of her hands on my shoulder and stared at me. She leaned forwards and got close to my face.
"Wednesday are you oka-" I started saying and then she cut me off by kissing me.
My eyes widened as she kissed me. I then closed my eyes and kissed her back. We kissed for a couple of seconds and then she pulled away. My face was red and she had a light shade of pink on her cheeks. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek. Her face became more red. I giggled and she quickly looked away in embarrassment. I got out of the table and stood up. I turned around and crouched down.
"Sinclair, what are you doing?" She asked  me.
"I'm gonna carry you back to the dorm!" I said brightly.
"You can try." She replied.
She got off the table and jumped on my back. I put my hands on her legs and she wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. She was extremely light which was a benefit for me. By the time we got back to the dorm she was asleep. I laid her down in her bed and sat on the edge. I stood up and went to change into pjs. I came out of my closet and went back over to her. Her hair was still down and curly. Her hair was in her face so I tucked her hair behind her ear and stood up. I walked over to my own bed and laid in it. I eventually fell asleep.

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