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Wednesdays Pov: Me and Enid were laying on my bed on a Thursday afternoon after lunch. We were still staring at the ceiling not knowing what to do. I sat up remembering something.
"Are you okay?" Enid asked me.
"Yeah, I just remembered something." I told her.
"What is it?" She replied.
"The town isn't too far from here if you want to go to the store and get some snacks or something." I responded.
"Ooh sounds good!" She said.
"Alright, let's go." I said to her.
We stood up and I grabbed her hand and led her downstairs.
"Mother, Enid and I are going down into the town to get some snacks." I told my mother.
"Okay, but be careful, you know how the locals feel about you, Wednesday." My mother said to me.
"I know mother. We'll be careful." I replied to her.
"Enid dear, you have a little something on your cheek." My mother pointed out.
I laughed on the inside knowing it was a dark red mark from the lipstick I was wearing. She blushed and wiped her cheek slightly smudging the mark on her face.
"You girls have fun!" My mother said waving to us as we walked towards the front door.
"Wait, what did your mom mean by 'you know how the locals feel about you,'?" Enid asked me.
"The students at the school are scared of me and the adults are creeped out." I told her.
"Did you go to the school there before?" She asked.
"No, my mother preferred to send me to schools not in the town." I replied.
"Why?" Enid asked me a third question.
"My mother despises the woman who owns the town and doesn't want me to come in contact with her or her daughter ever again." I responded.
"Wait, you've met them before?" Enid said.
"Yes, they tried to renovate our home and I met her daughter there. She never renovated our home." I told her.
"Interesting!" Enid said.
We were now halfway down the very long hill to the town from my home.
"It'll take us about 30 more minutes until we reach the town." I told Enid.
"Augh!" Enid complained.
We continued walking towards the town. Eventually we were about 10 minutes away from the town. Enid was tired for sure. I stopped walking and she continued for a second then noticed I stopped.
"Why'd you stop?" She asked me breathing heavily and sweating.
"Get on my back. I'll carry you the rest of the way." I said to her.
"Wh-what! There's no way you can carry me the rest of the way!" She replied.
"I can and I will. Now get on or I'm leaving you here." I said to her coldly.
"Okay then-" She responded.
I walked in front of her and crouched down so she could get on my back. She jumped on and I wrapped my arms around her legs. She leaned forward and laid her head on my shoulder. Her arms around my neck but not tightly considering she was leaning forwards instead of backwards. I started walking to continue our journey. Ten minutes later we were in the town.
"Alright, we're here now get off." I told her.
She got off and grabbed my hand. I led her to the store and people gave me weird stares. They were probably confused on how I, Wednesday Addams, the creep of the town was walking with basically a rainbow. To most people Enid seemed like a normal person, but she is an outcast like me. The towns folk didn't need to know that. We walked into the store and towards the snack isle. I then noticed someone who I honestly never wanted to see again.
"Wednesday!?" The person said running up to me and Enid.
"Oh God..." I said under my breath.
"Wedsy who's this?" Enid asked me as the person was standing in front of us.
"Enid, this is the owner of the towns daughter, Parker. Parker this is Enid." I said.
"Friend of yours?" Parker asked me pointing to Enid.
"Enid is my girlfriend." I told Parker.
Parkers smile slightly faded after I said that.
"Really! Congrats! When did you two meet?" She said.
"At my new school." I replied.
"Ohhh so she's a normal person?" Parker said.
I went silent. Feeling offended that Parker assumed Enid was 'Normal'.
"No. My new school is a school for people like me. Enid here is a werewolf." I responded.
"No way!" Parker said amazed.
"Yes way!" Enid responded smiling at her.
"We better get our stuff and go, have a nice day." I told Parker and walked away.
Enid followed me and Parker left waving at us. We then got our snacks and walked around the store a little for fun. Enid noticed something and stopped walking.
"What is it?" I asked her.
"Look!" Enid exclaimed pointing at a crate full of pool noodles.
"Enid it's not summertime." I told her.
"Who said we had to use them for swimming!" Enid said with a smirk on her face.
"What do you mean." I responded.
"We could battle with them like swords!" She replied.
"Whatever." I said.
Enid then picked out 2 pool noodles and we headed to checkout. I paid for everything and we went to the nearest bench outside. We sat down for a minute then started to walk the way back to my home. An hour and a half later we reached my house. We walked into my home and up stairs to my room with our snacks and sadly, pool noodles. We took the snacks out of the plastic bag and set them on my desk. Enid grabbed the pool noodles and threw one to me.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." I said.
"It'll be super fun!" Enid replied.
"En Garde!" She said and we started fighting with literal pool noodles.
Soon enough Enids arms gave out and she dropped her pool noodle. She then fell to floor and sat down.
"You are absolutely ridiculous." I told her.

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