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Wednesday's Pov: It was Tuesday. Just another normal school day. School was already over and I decided to go into the town of Jericho. I took a shuttle bus to the town and it dropped me off at the bus stop. I walked to the coffee shop, the Weathervane, and went to the front desk. At the front desk was standing a teenage boy about my age.
"Hi what can I get you?" He asked.
"Black coffee, no cream, 2 sugars." I said.
"For here or to-go?" He asked another question.
"For here." I said in monotone.
"Got it." He said and turned around to make the coffee. He handed me the cup and I paid him and walked away. I sat down at a booth right by the window. Some boys dressed up as pilgrims entered the building and walked over to me.
"Hey outcast! You're in our booth!" He said harshly.
"Am I? Why I don't see your names on it." I said coldly.
"We always sit there." Said one of the three boys.
I stood up and got out of the booth. Not so they could have it though.
"Oh you think you can beat us in a fight? It's three against one short-stack." Said the leader of the group.
"Yes." I said without hesitation.
"Alright then, prepare to be in pain." He said
"I'll be looking forward to it." I said.
He grabbed me by the collar and I kicked him in the crotch.
"Ow!" He said in agonizing pain and he let go of me and fell on the floor.
One of the boys came up to me and attempted to punch me in the face. I dodged the move and punched him in the face. After I punched him I pushed him away from me and kicked him against the floor. The last boy of the group slowly approached me and I simply slapped him and he ran away.
The boy at the front desk came over.
"Woah-" He said impressed.
"Well I guess they got what they deserved." He said.
"My name's Tyler, what's yours?" He asked.
"Wednesday." I said.

Enid's Pov: I was walking by the Weathervane as I saw the barista at the cafe, Tyler, talking to Wednesday. Suddenly a small spark of jealousy hit me. I walked into the coffee shop and over to Wednesday.
"Hey, how's it going?" I asked her.
"I just beat up three dudes for a booth." She said.
"Yeah I saw from out the window. Those moves are amazing!" I said with a smile.
"Thank you." She said in her usual tone of voice.
Tyler was standing there awkwardly. He then walked away as he saw a customer at the front desk.
"Well I'll be on my way." Wednesday said.
"Alright I'll see you in the dorm later!" I said.
"See you later." She said as she grabbed her backpack and left the coffee shop.

Tyler's Pov: Wednesday had just left the cafe. I walked back to the front desk after our conversation ended by Enid walking in. I took Enid's order and she got it to-go then left. Leaving me standing there.

-Later in the day-

Enid's Pov: Me, Yoko, and two other girls from our dorm area were painting a boat for the Poe Cup. The Poe Cup is a boating race our school has. We have to choose an Edgar Allan Poe story and make a boat themed on it. We did this with our dorm area. Each dorm competes to win a trophy. Bianca's team wins every year. Not this year I can just feel it. I spotted Wednesday walking over here.
"Hey!" I said brightly
"Hello." She said.
"Wanna take a stab at being social?" I asked her.
"I do like stabbing. Just not the social part." She said.
I laughed a little.
"What are you doing?" She asked me.
"Painting our boat for the Poe Cup!" I said excitedly.
"Interesting." She said
"You're gonna join our team right?" I asked her.
"Eh I don't know." She said.
"Aww come on it'll be fun! I'm sure we'll kick Bianca's ass this time!" I said.
"I'll think about it." She said.
"Okay!" I said as she sat down watching us paint the boat. She then started reading a book. We continued to paint our boat.

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