-In Love?-

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Wednesday's Pov: I woke up on a normal Tuesday school day. I got ready for school and went to my first class. Enid eventually showed up before the bell rang and we had our first period. After the first period we went to the second period, language arts, was the class we were in. The assignment was to write something about someone special in your life. Enid was writing a 5 page full on story basically about someone. She wouldn't tell me who though. Instead of someone special I wrote an essay about my mother and why I don't like her. She isn't special to me. All she wants to do is manipulate me I just know it. She then tucked her computer in her bag after writing her story. I put the paper I was writing on in my bag and then the bell rang. We went to a third period and it lasted an hour. After the third we went to the fourth period. Eventually the fourth period ended and it was time for lunch. I sat at my usual table with Eugene.
"So do you have any siblings?" He asked me.
"I have a younger brother who is only about 3 years younger than us." I told him.
"Oo cool!" He replied.
"Are you guys close?" He asked me.
"Close enough to say we don't fight I suppose." I said.
"That's good!" He said smiling.
"I guess." I replied.
"Is there any chance I can meet him?" He asked me another question.
"Maybe, If you ever come to my home or if he comes here." I told him.
"He sounds cool!" He said.
"He is. To some people at least." I said coldly.
The bell rang dismissing us to our fifth period of the day. I went to the class and suddenly, Rowan walked in with a gun. He told us all to put our hands up. I frankly didn't care and sat still in my seat staring at him. He then grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside.

Enid's Pov: I saw Rowan drag Wednesday out of the classroom and quietly followed him. He led her to the back of the school and into the forest. He used his telekinesis to push her against a tree.
"What do you think you're doing!" She said angrily.
"I'm gonna kill you." He said calmly.
"Why?" She asked him.
"Because you get on my nerves." He told her.
"Oh please." She said judging him.
I forgot to mention it was a full blood moon. It got dark in Nevermore pretty quickly.
He continued to hold her against the tree as he held a gun up to her. He then shot her once in the arm. She was some how still alive and breathing. She put her hand on her arm as to not loose her blood.
Suddenly ears, fangs, a nose, and a tail started to come out of my body. Oh my god! I'm wolfing-out for the first time! All my clothes had ripped and I was in full wolf form now. I ran towards Rowan and attacked him. Wednesday fell from the tree and hit her head on the ground. I then hurt him enough to the point where he was practically dead. I knew I wouldn't go to jail considering it was basically self defense. I ran over to Wednesday and she looked up at me.
"Enid?" She asked surprised.
I nodded and then transformed back to normal.
"Ah! Jesus you're naked as all hell!" She said as she looked away as fast as possible. I then grabbed my coat and put it on. I was covered in blood. Tears flowed from my face as Wednesday stood up. I ran to her and hugged her immediately. She then hugged me back. My heart was beating fast and my face was hot and red. I broke the hug and cupped Wednesdays face in my hands. She put her hands on my shoulders and we stared at each other for a moment. Without thinking I kissed her. And she kissed me back. The kiss lasted for at least 5 seconds. We then broke the kiss and looked at each other in the eyes.

Wednesday's Pov: We had just kissed, me and Enid, and I was in shock. I asked myself the question 'Am I in love?' I then fainted in her arms due to blood loss.
I woke up and all I saw was white. I was in the hospital. I could tell by the white curtains and the beeping machines. The doctor came in and told me that I had been shot in the arm and lost a lot of blood in the process. I felt like going back to sleep. I then saw my family and of course, Enid, walk into the room crowding around me in worry. My mother and father started talking. I couldn't hear them everything was a blur. I looked at my arm and saw that it was bandaged up a lot. I then noticed Enid crying standing behind my parents.
"Move out of the way!" I told my parents.
They immediately moved and I looked at Enid. She looked back at me and slowly walked over to me in tears. I could hear her crying.
"Can I hold your hand now?" She asked me still crying.
I nodded and she grabbed my hand and held it gently. Her hand was soft. My family left the room to go pay for hospital bills and Enid pulled up a chair and sat down by me still holding my hand.
"I'm never letting go." She said.
I slightly smiled while struggling. She smiled back at me.
"Are you okay?" I asked her.
"Yeah I just got Rowan's blood on me and a little bit of yours." She replied.
"Is Rowan dead?" I asked her.
"Yes, and thankfully I'm not being charged for murder because it was self defense." She told me.
"That's good." I said.
"Yeah." She said.
"I wanna leave this place." I told her with a sigh.
"You can't until you're healed." She replied.
I sighed again. She leaned in and kissed my cheek softly. I then fell asleep still holding her hand.

Enid's Pov: Wednesday had fallen asleep and was still holding my hand. I laid my head on her lap the position was quite uncomfortable considering I was in a chair and she was laying down in a bed. I drifted off asleep still holding her hand.

Authors Note: I know this chapter might make y'all want to sue me lol but they needed to hug at some point.

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