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Wednesday's Pov: I woke up the next day still in the hospital. Enid was still holding my hand and asleep. The room was blinding me by how bright it was. Suddenly Ms. Weems walked in.
"Hello there, how are you doing?" She asked me.
"Fine I suppose. It could be better." I replied.
"I hope you will recover quickly." She said.
"Thank you." I said politely.
She placed flowers on the desk. They were black roses, most likely from my parents. I looked around the room and saw that there was a TV in the room. I turned it on and switched to a channel about a murder mystery. I sat there in the hospital bed for about an hour. After the hour Enid woke up still holding my hand.
"Wh- oh God it's bright here!" She said as she squinted her eyes.
"I know." I said.
She looked up at me and smiled.
"Feeling better?" She asked me.
"A little. My arms hurts." I replied.
"I would think so." She told me.
She looked down at us holding hands. She then began to blush slightly.
"So.." She said.
"No labels for now." I said as I was referring to our relationship.
"Great!" She said loudly.
"Lower your voice please." I told her.
"Oh sorry-" She replied.
"Thank you." I said.
The beeping of the machines was irritating me. I couldn't stand it.
"When can I leave this hell hole." I said as I sighed.
"Soon hopefully." She said.
"God that beeping is torturing my ears!" I complained.
"Here!" She handed me her headphones and phone.
"Enid, you do know I don't know how to use a phone right?" I told her.
"Right- forgot whoops!" She told me.
She then explained to me how to use it and handed it to me with a music app open. She put the headphones on me and clicked shuffle on one of the playlists. I turned the phone on and saw the singer of the song that was playing.
"You're a Girl in Red fan?" I asked her.
"Oh- yeah!" She replied.
I nodded and just sat there listening to the music. She turned the TV off because it was a murder mystery and it disturbed her. I then noticed the hospital band around my wrist. I ignored it and left it on.
"I'm gonna go get us some coffee from the Weathervane, be right back!" She said.
"Okay." I replied.
She walked out of the room and I just sat there looking around and still listening to her music. This time Melanie Martinez was playing. I never would've thought she would listen to this kind of music. I then turned her phone on and looked at the name of the playlist. Of course. She titled it 'Music for Wedsy<3'. I wasn't shocked honestly. It was a nice gesture from her to make a playlist for me. It has artists like Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, Taylor Swift, Mistki, Girl in Red, and other artists whose songs I would or do listen to. Most of this music was new to me. Other than Taylor Swift and Girl in Red. She then got a notification from someone. It was from Ajax. He asked her if I was ok. I didn't reply for her she could do that when she returns. She then walked into the room with two cups of coffee. She handed me a cup and drank her own. I slowly started to drink mine.
"You got a text from Ajax." I told her.
"Oh? I'll look at it later he can wait." She replied.
"You might want to look at it now." I said.
"Okay then-" She said and then looked at the notification.
She then started typing a message. She sent the message and put her phone down. I finished my cup of coffee and sat the empty cup on the table next to me. Still listening to her music I laid back and started at the ceiling. Suddenly her phone began to ring. It was a call from Ajax. I handed her the phone and she answered it.
"What's up?" She said over the phone.
I couldn't hear what he was saying but he said something.
"Oh yeah she's okay now." She said on the phone.
I figured they were talking about me.
"I'm doing fine." She said.
Then she hung up the phone.
I was tired but at the same time I had no desire to sleep.
"I have to go back for school tomorrow I'm sorry!" Enid said with a frown on her face.
"Okay then." I sighed. I stood up and got out of the bed.
"You don't have to stand up just lay back down!" She told me.
I obviously didn't listen to her. I kept standing and I put my hand on her shoulder. Using the arm that wasn't shot of course. I then had to stand on my tippy toes as I was shorter than her. I kissed her cheek and then backed up. My face was a light shade of pink.
"I'll be back after school tomorrow. I promise." She said.
She then kissed my forehead and began to walk away. She waved at me and I waved back. Then she was gone.

Enid's Pov: I walked away sad that I had to leave Wednesday. I walked out of the hospital and to the bus stop. It was raining outside. I didn't have an umbrella so I just let the rain fall on me. The bus came and I got on it. I found a seat and sat down. About 25 minutes later I arrived at Nevermore. I walked into the building and to my dorm room. It felt empty... without Wednesday here. All I could think about was our kiss in the forest. My face turned red. I decided to take a nap considering how early it was. I laid in my bed and fell asleep quickly.

Wednesday's Pov: It has been about 30 minutes since Enid has left. I was bored so I just decided to sleep until morning.

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