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Wednesdays Pov: I woke up a few hours after I had fallen back asleep and Enid still has her arms wrapped around me. I gently shook her and she woke up. She rubbed her eyes and immediately let go of me.
"Sorry!" She said.
"It's fine." I replied.
We both got out of the bed and stood up. I walked over to my side of the room and went to my closet. Usually I would just wear my school uniform on weekends. I didn't feel like wearing it today however. I found one of my signature dresses with small flower print all over it. I grabbed the dress and walked into the bathroom. I took a shower and brushed my teeth and hair. After I put my dress on and blow-dried my hair. I walked out of the bathroom my hair not in braids yet and sat on my bed. Enid stared over at me. I started braiding my hair.
"I have a question." Enid said to me.
"Hmm?" I replied.
"Do you know how to dance?" She asked me.
"Depends what kind of dance." I told her.
"What kinds of dances do you know?" She asked me another question.
"I know how to dance like I did at the Rave'n, ballroom dancing, salsa, tango, and that's about it." I replied to her question.
"Can you teach me?" Enid asked.
"Which dance?" I asked her.
"The ballroom one." She responded.
"Sure." I replied.
"Are there specific clothes I need to wear or something?" She asked.
"No. You can wear what you're wearing unless you feel like changing." I told her.
"I'm gonna shower and change before." She replied.
"Alright." I said.
She stood up from her bed and grabbed a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom. She showered and came out of the bathroom eventually with different clothes on. She walked over to me and began to speak.
"So how do I do this?" She said.
"Well first of all. You can't dance without music." I replied and stood up.
"Where are you going?" She asked me.
I walked over to my closet and pulled out a box full of records. I looked through the box and found a record. I took it out of the packaging and placed it on my record player. I started the record player and music started playing. I walked over to Enid and grabbed her hand. I led her to the middle of the room. She stood in front of me and looked down at me.
"Okay so position your hands and arms like this." I said as I grabbed her wrist and put her hand on my shoulder. I then did the same thing and held her hand.
"Now, follow my lead." I said as I started dancing.
She couldn't keep up with me and stepped on my foot.
"I'm sorry!" She exclaimed.
"It's okay, just try to keep up." I said.
"Okay." She replied.
We continued to dance and eventually she got the hang of it. We danced to every song for about 2 hours. We stopped dancing and she fell backwards on her bed.
"Tired?" I asked her.
"Yeah!" She responded.
"Dancing is tiring sometimes I suppose." I replied.
"Definitely!" She said.
"We can take a break and go to the Weathervane if you'd like." I said to her.
"Sure!" She said.
We got up and left the dorm room and walked to town. We reached the Weathervane and entered the building. Enid sat down at a booth and I went up to the desk and told Tyler our orders. I then paid him and walked to the booth Enid was sitting in. I sat down across from her. Soon enough Tyler walked over with our drinks. We drank them and she rambled on and on. Eventually we finished our drinks and left the coffee shop.
"Can we go to pilgrim world!" Enid said brightly.
"Why?" I asked her.
"It'll be fun!" She responded.
"You just want the fudge, don't you?" I replied.
"Maybe!" She said smiling.
"Fine." I said.
"Yay!!" She said as we walked to pilgrim world.
We reached the place and walked around and did stuff for about 3 hours. Enid got tired and said that she wanted to go back to the dorm. We walked back to Nevermore and to the dorm. She ran over to her bed and fell in it. I went to my closet and changed into different clothes that I could sleep in. I laid in my bed and went to sleep for the rest of the night. Enid had fallen asleep as well.

Authors Note: Thanks for the support I'm doing better now. I decided to write another story for fun I most likely won't publish it for a while as I'm working on this one currently. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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