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Enid's Pov:

It was about a week and a half after Wednesday's little.. incident, and it was raining outside. It was heavily raining not just rain. Wednesday was laying in her bed staring at the ceiling enjoying the sound of the rain as it hit the outside. The click clack, tip tap of it, she liked it very much. Her eyes were open and her arms crossed. Meanwhile she was doing that I was sitting at my desk admiring her.

"Enid, have you forgotten everything I've told you? Staring is impolite." Wednesday said still staring at the ceiling. I flinched.
"My bad-" I apologized.
I heard her sigh and then.. it was silent. Other than the sound of the rain of course.

After a few moments of silence, she sighed again and slowly got out of her bed. She walked over to me elegantly and stood right in front of me. Instead of saying anything she grabbed my hand and led me towards the door.

Wednesday's Pov:

I opened the door and dragged Enid down the hallway.
"W-where are we going?" She asked me.
"But it's thunderstorming!"
"That's the point." I slightly smiled at her.
She raised one eyebrow and sighed, giving in to whatever I was making her do.

Finally we were outside and under an awning. That school is unnecessarily complex. Lighting struck over in the forest which made Enid flinch.
"It's fine, don't worry." I told her.
She shivered out of fear. I used my thumb to rub her hand softly, looking away from her gaze. I took one step away from the dry area, and let go over her hand as I walked into the rain. Enid still stood under the safe awning whilst I stood still in the downpour.

Back at home it rained a lot. Here at Nevermore it rained every now and then but it's never this heavy. I enjoyed it very much. I turned around to look at her and she looked right at me. We stood there making eye contact for a short moment until I took one step toward her. I put my hand out in front of her in an open way. She placed her hand on mine, and I pulled her towards me into the rain. I then picked her up bridal style.
"Ah-!" She exclaimed when I picked her up.

I carried her all the way to our favorite spot in the forest. It had a small worn down, covered in plants, picnic table made out of briarwood. I placed her on the table part and sat myself in front of her on the bench. Her legs on my sides and my hands on her thighs. She looked down at me smiling.
"Now I see why you like the rain so much!" She told me.
"Why do you think that is?"
"You like it because it's calming and it feels nice on your skin."
"Correct." I lifted her spirit.
Her smile widened and she put her hands on each side of my face. She slowly leaned in and kissed me. Instead of leaving it at that she parted her lips.

We made out for a short time until she pulled away when she realized her claws had extended. I assume she was scared to hurt me but I all honesty I wouldn't have really cared.

We stayed out in the rain for a few hours until the rain stopped. She made me let her carry me back to the school. Once we were back into our dorm room we had to change out of our damp clothes. We each took turns in the bathroom and then went to bed.


Author's Note

Random chapter I decided to write hope you enjoy.

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