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Authors Note: I made up a goofy game that I think the Addams family would play so bare with me here.💀

Enids Pov: We woke up the next day and went down for breakfast. Wednesday actually ate this time. Her parents made pancakes with fruit for breakfast. We ate it and then went outside.
"Why are we going outside?" I asked her.
"For fresh air. And I figured you might want to see the garden and maybe the town." She told me.
"You have a garden!" I excitedly replied.
"Yes." She said to me.
She then led me through her garden. The flowers were all dead which made sense for their family. Soon enough we got to the end of the garden.
"We should probably go inside for family games." Wednesday told me.
"Sounds good!" I replied.
We started walking back into her house. We reached the living room and sat down on the couch. Wednesday sat down next to me on my right. I was sitting on the left side where the arm rest is. Soon enough her family walked in the room.
"What game are we playing?" I asked them.
"Sword play. It's a card game." Her father told me.
"Sounds fun how does one play?" I asked another question.
"Each player draws a card. Whoever has the highest number has to sword battle the player with the lowest number." Her mother explained.
"What now." I responded.
"Just watch us play a round of the game." Wednesday told me.
"Okay-" I replied.
"Everyone draw your cards!" Her father said.
They drew their cards and laid them on the table face up. Wednesday had the highest number and her father the lowest.
"This will be interesting." Her mother said.
I was slightly concerned and also confused. Her father grabbed two swords and threw one of them to Wednesday. She caught the sword and they both got in position. They were fencing swords.
"En Garde!" Her father responded.
They started to fight with the swords. Wednesday dodged her fathers attempt to touch her with his sword. She fell backwards and touched her father with the tip of her sword.
"Good job my little viper!" Her father said to her.
"Wow-" I replied.
"Wanna play a round?" Her father asked me.
"Sure-" I responded.
We drew our cards and laid them on the table face up. I glanced over at everyone's cards and I had the lowest number of all. The person with the highest was of course, Wednesday. She stood up and handed me a sword. I stood up and we got into position.
"En Garde!" Her father said.
Our swords began to hit one another as we fought. Not surprisingly, Wednesday touched me with the tip of her sword. We put the swords up and walked back to our seats.
"By the way, Pugsley. Eugene wanted me to tell you he likes the scarf you made him." Wednesday said to her brother.
"Yay!" Her brother responded.
We played a few more rounds and then her parents decided it was time to start making lunch. Me and Wednesday went outside and to the tree in her family's yard. The tree was named Ichabod. Wednesday sat on a branch of the tree and I sat on the swing tied to it. Suddenly an axe flew right by Wednesday and she caught it.
"Be more mature, Pugsley." Wednesday said not looking behind her.
"Come on! You never threw an axe at my age?" He said to her.
"Of course I have." She said still not looking behind herself.
"I never miss." She said throwing the axe behind her.
I turned around and saw that the axe had hit a picture of her brother. She wasn't even looking and managed to do that. She then tapped the tree and it lowered her down to the ground. She walked over to me and grabbed my hand.
"Let's go wait for lunch to be done." She said to me.
"Okay!" I replied.
She led me into the dining room and we sat down at the table waiting. Her mother walked out of the kitchen and over to the table.
"Pugsley, lunchtime!" Her mother called.
Pugsley came rushing downstairs and sat at the table. Her father soon enough came into the room and sat down at the table. We were given our food and started to eat. Halfway through the meal her Uncle Fester came bursting through the window and broke the glass. Wednesday immediately stood up.
"Uncle Fester!" She said brightly with a smile across her face.
I dropped my fork and stared at her as she smiled.
"Hey kiddo!" Her uncle said.
Her entire family was astounded. They must've never seen her smile either.
"Oh my god!" Her mother said.
"What?" Wednesday asked her with her smile fading.
"You smiled!" Her father replied.
"Oh." She responded.
I was too shocked and amazed to say anything. 'She has dimples!' I said to myself. I figured my face was red or something.
"Excuse us, Enid and I are full." Wednesday said as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me up to her room.
Once we were in her room she sat down on the side of her bed.
"You are not to speak of this to anyone. Got it." She said to me.
"Got it!" I responded.
She fell backwards and laid on her bed. Her hands on her stomach. I sat down next to her and laid back.
"Y'know, your smile is beautiful." I told her.
"I did not know that, but thank you." She replied.
I smiled like I always do.
"I never would've known you had dimples!" I said giggling.
"Shut it, Sinclair." She said turning to face the opposite direction of me.
I laughed and turned the way she was facing. I then sat up and tried my best to turn her around. She didn't move an inch. I'm not saying she's heavy I'm just saying that she wouldn't let me move her.
"Wednesday!" I said to her.
"Ugh fine." She replied as she turned around to face me.
"Thank you." I responded.
She sat up and looked at me. She then kissed me on the cheek and laid back down. I couldn't stop thinking of her smile for some reason. I laid down next to her again and we looked up at the ceiling together.
"I have to go to the bathroom really quickly, be right back!" I said to her as I got up and rushed to the bathroom.
I went to the bathroom and then looked in the mirror. There was a dark red mark on my face. I hadn't noticed earlier I suppose that Wednesday had dark red lipstick on. I left the mark on my face as I didn't care if it was there or not. I walked back into her room and laid down on the bed next to her again. The room was completely silent and we continued to stare at the ceiling.

Authors Note: Thanks for helping this story hit 3k+ views I appreciate it a lot! Hopefully the number continues to go up✌️Have a nice day/night. If there are any stories you would like me to write possibly you can ask me to and I'll consider it. Hope you liked this chapter!

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