-The Sun-

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Wednesday's Pov:

One year ago, before nevermore, I never would've thought that I would ever fall in love and follow in my mother's footsteps. I suppose I was wrong. Something about her when I stepped into that dorm room on the very first day made my heart feel like it wasn't as black as I had thought it was. Such a funny feeling. Love. It's hard to cope with sometimes. It was hard for me to not hurt her physically and mentally when we first met. And various other times. I figured it out eventually. I don't think anyone would be able to resist her charm. She was like.. the warmth of the sun. Lighting up my moon. And when the sun comes out to play and give you the warmth it has. You don't decline. I tried many times to ignore the way I felt towards her, but I couldn't. I highly doubt anyone would be able to. She angered me, annoyed me, and made my emotions complicated at the worst time they needed to be. If you ask me.. it was completely worth it. I suggest you try to find someone like her who you know you'll love for the rest of your life until it's over.

"Wednesday!" Enid said hugging me from behind as I was typing away on my typewriter.
"Hello." I responded.
"Aren't you excited to go home? It's the end of the school year!" She said excited.
"I suppose." I said standing up out of my chair to face her.
"It'll be sad to say goodbye to you.." She pouted.
"We can visit each other over the summer." I said crossing my arms.
"Great idea! You're going to love San Francisco!" Enid told me.
"Good to know." I said.


Wednesday's Pov:

It was time for us to leave. We were all saying goodbye to our friends and dorm rooms etc. Xavier gave me his phone number acting like I would use it. The dorm room was empty. Me and Enid standing across from each other like always. She stood just near the edge of the duct tape on her side of the room, and myself doing the same on my side. My arms crossed, hers by her side, staring into each other's eyes. I was waiting for her to start crying because I knew she would. I noticed her eyes beginning to water
"Well.. this is.. not goodbye." I said staring at her.
"Wh-what do you mean?" She asked holding back tears.
"It's more of a.. I'll see you later." I said.
The heartless in me didn't want to admit that I wanted to see her again. But the other part of me fought it off. Her eyes sparkled like they do usually.
"I'm gonna miss you!" She exclaimed.
"I will too, you're not alone." I said.
"You'll call me, and text me, and send me letters, and visit me, right?" She told me.
"Right." I said nodding.
"If you ever feel bad.. just know I'm a finger snap away." I told her.
"Wait- does this mean that I can control your car!" She said lighting up.
"I suppose."
She was practically jumping up and down now out of excitement. We both took one step forward until we were inches apart. I placed my right hand on her face and kissed her. One last time until a visit.
"I'll see you around." I said walking out of the dorm leaving her standing alone in the empty room.
"See ya!" She said from the room.
I walked down the hall to my family's car. It was only Lurch in the car this time, thankfully. I got in the car and the drive began.

About an hour into the car drive and I got a text message from an unknown number.
"It's over." The text read.
How fun.

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