-Harvest Festival-

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Enid's Pov: I woke up the next morning it was another school day sadly. I took a shower after Wednesday had taken hers and got dressed.(She was awake before me) Today after school was the harvest festival. I was excited and couldn't stop thinking about it.
A few minutes later I reached my first class. I sat at my desk and to my luck, Ajax was sitting right in front of me. I smiled and blushed at the sight of him. I then began to think about what Yoko had said the other night. He was kind of suspicious when Wednesday was around. But I wasn't gonna let that ruin my possible chance of a relationship with him. Time had passed by so fast that before I knew it the bell rang and everyone started to exit the classroom. I ran up to Ajax and started to speak to him.
"Hey Ajax! I have a question?"
"Oh hi! What's your question?" He said.
"Do you have any plans after school today?" I asked
"Oh yeah sorry.. I'm having a movie night with Xavier." He said
"Oh..uh well that's okay I'm busy as well." I said. I obviously lied. I was gonna ask him if he wanted to go to the Harvest Festival with me but I guess not. 'I'll just ask Wednesday.' I thought to myself.
It was the last class of the day and I decided now was the perfect time to ask Wednesday if she wanted to go to the Harvest Festival with me. I passed her note saying, 'Wanna go to the Harvest Festival with me?' She started writing on the paper and handed it to me. 'I suppose I have nothing better to do after school anyways.' Is what she said. Yay! She actually wanted to go with me which was shocking.
The class ended and we all walked to our dorm rooms to get ready for whatever we had planned for the rest of the day. I went to my dorm and got changed into my clothes for the festival. Wednesday had just entered the dorm, she had to pick something up from the principal before coming to the dorm. She walked in and opened her closet. She grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to change. After a few minutes she came out of the bathroom wearing a black turtleneck, a leather jacket, some wide flair black jeans, and her signature combat boots. She looked amazing!
"Wow you look great!" I said in a bright voice.
"Thank you." She said almost whispering.
"Shall we go now?" I asked politely.
She nodded and followed me as I grabbed my bag and left the dorm. We walked to Jericho and eventually got to the Harvest Festival.
"What fun thing do you want to do first!" I asked excitedly.
"Maybe the balloon dart game." She said.
"Alright sounds good!" I said.
We walked over to the game and she started to throw darts at every balloon in sight. I wasn't surprised when she won the game. She prize was a giant teddy bear. She handed it to me and I held it for her.
"Need me to hold it for you?" I asked.
"No. You can have it. I don't like stuffed animals." She said.
"Oh okay!" I said smiling.
"Wanna get some food? I'm kinda hungry." I told her
"Sure." She said in her monotone voice.
We walked over to the food stand and she didn't get anything. I got myself a hot dog and some cotton candy. We found a picnic table and sat down at it.
"You don't want to eat anything?" I asked concerned.
"No I'm not hungry." She said.
I then saw something I wish I didn't see. My mouth was wide open. I was shocked and I started to tear up. I saw my crush, Ajax, kissing Xavier Thorpe.
"Enid are you okay?" She asked.
I pointed towards them in tears.
"Oh." She said as her straight face became a frown.
"Your crush right?" She asked.
I nodded as my tears fell from my eyes.
"Look it's gonna be ok. There's more people out their that probably look exactly like him." She said as she stood up and went over to the food stand. She came back with some napkins, I was confused of course. She came over to my side of the table and sat down next to me.
"Enid face me." She said.
I turned to face her practically sobbing. She then used the napkins to wipe my tears.
"You'll be ok." She said reassuringly.
I nodded and grabbed her wrist as her hand was still wiping my tears away. I stared at her in the eyes. She retracted her wrist from my grasp.
"C'mon." She said as she stood up and started walking away.
I followed her not wanting to be left alone. She went up to every game at the festival and won every single one of them and gave me every prize she earned. I smiled happy that she was trying to cheer me up.
We then started walking back to Nevermore with all of the prizes and the cotton candy. A couple minutes later we reached our dorm.

Wednesday's Pov: We were in our dorm after being at the Harvest Festival. Enid was crying due to seeing her crush, Ajax, kiss Xavier. I tried cheering her up by winning as many prizes as I could and giving them to her. After we had changed into our pajamas we sat on the floor on our sides of the room and just stared at each other. I know I had just met this girl but she was growing on me.

Enid's Pov: Me and Wednesday were staring at each other for some reason and I began to think. I know she's kind of a freaky weirdo but something about her lured me in. Maybe it was her mysterious aroma, or her gorgeous face. I had no idea but it was something. She was special. And I liked her that way.

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