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Author's Note: I just wanted to say that this chapter might be a little dry and that I made a playlist on Spotify of songs I think Wednesday would listen to!

Author's Note: I just wanted to say that this chapter might be a little dry and that I made a playlist on Spotify of songs I think Wednesday would listen to!

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I hope you enjoy listening to it! And on with the chapter!

Enid's Pov: I woke up today on Sunday and realized that it was Wednesdays birthday! I was so excited for it. I got dressed and went to the rest of the group aka Ajax, Xavier, Yoko, and Divina. We all made her a birthday cake and decided to take her to an escape room later. I went back to the dorm and she was awake.
"Hey, I have a question." I told her.
"What is it?" She asked me.
"Wanna go to an escape room with me Ajax, Xavier, Yoko, and Divina?"
"Sure." She said.
"Great!" I said with a smile.
I grabbed her wrist and we walked out to the bus stop to take us into Jericho. I was talking with Yoko, Ajax with Xavier and Divina, and Wednesday just stood there silently. She stared at the ground.
"Are you okay?" I asked her as Yoko started talking with the others.
"I'm fine." She said.
Usually when people say they're 'fine' it means they aren't.
"Do you want a hug?" I asked her.
"No thanks." She said.
"Is something wrong?" I asked her another question.
"No." She replied.
"Okay!" I said.
The bus came and we all got on and sat near each other. Wednesday sat in the back on the right side with the window seat. I sat next to her and Yoko and Divina were across from us. Xavier and Ajax were in front of them. Wednesday started out the window the entire bus ride while me and the rest of them were talking non-stop. The bus pulled up to the bus stop in Jericho and we all got off. We walked to the escape room place and went to the front desk. I talked to the lady at the front desk and told her our reservation details. She walked us to the room and explained the rules and such. The escape room we were doing was to escape the titanic. The room was slightly leaning as it was meant to be a boat on water. We split up into groups Yoko with Divina, Xavier with Ajax, and me and Wednesday. Me and Wednesday found a door and went inside of it. Suddenly the door shut. We tried to open the door but the door was too heavy to lift. We were stuck in this room. It was a small room. We then found some clues and started to de-code it. Eventually the door opened. We were stuck in there because of the clue. We went out of the room and told everyone what we found. They said they found something similar to ours. We put the pieces together and a box opened. The box had more clues in it. We figured it out and opened the safe. Inside was a small bag that we needed to complete the escape room. Yoko grabbed the bag and the door to the outside unlocked. We did it and had 2 minutes to spare!
"We did it!" I said excitedly.
"Indeed we did." Wednesday said.
"Let's do to the Weathervane now guys." Ajax said.
"Okay!" I said.
We all walked to the Weathervane and entered the building. We found a table that we could all sit at and sat down. Tyler walked over with a cake in his hands and we all started singing happy birthday to Wednesday. She sat there in silence.
"Happy birthday Wednesday!" We all said in sync.
"Thank you." She said.
We all had a slice of cake and ate it. After an hour of chatting we went back to Nevermore and to our dorms. Thing then appeared and pushed a box from under Wednesdays bed. It was a birthday present from her parents. She opened it and inside was a animal disecting kit. I began to feel nauseas at the sight of it. She closed the box and put it back under her bed. I walked over to her and handed her a package with black wrapping paper around it.
"What's this?" She asked looking at me.
"A present!" I told her.
She started to slowly unwrap the package. Inside was something I made her.
"It's a snood! I made it in your signature colors!" I said.
"Thank you." She said.
"You're welcome! And I have one so we can match!"
"Lovely.." She said, her voice restraining.
I put my arms out in attempt to hug her but she backed away as usual.
"Still not a hugger? Got it." I said.
She then put her hand out in front of me. I grabbed her hand and shook it.
"Well, it's a start!" I said.
"I suppose.." She said as she then backed away from me.
"I'm still not comfortable with physical touch.." Wednesday told me.
"It's okay Weds!" I said giving her a nickname.
"Weds?" She said confused.
"Yeah it's a nickname! Weds is short for Wednesday." I said brightly.
"I don't like it but I suppose I don't hate it either." She replied.
"Yay!" I happily said.
She went over and sat on her bed. I sat next to her. She looked at me and then slowly leaned to lay her head on my lap. I smiled and blushed a little. She then fell asleep still laying her head on me. I grabbed a blanket and put it over her. I then laid on my back and started to fall asleep.

Wednesday's Pov: I woke up the next day after my birthday. Today would usually be a school day but it wasn't due to we were having a school inspection today. I then realized I was laying my head on Enids lap. I sat up and saw her asleep. I took the blanket off of me and put it on her. I sat on the bed reading a book waiting for her to wake up.

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