-Christmas Special-

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Authors Note: Merry Christmas yallzies!! There will be a couple of references in this chapter so enjoy! Hope you have/had a great Christmas this year! Have fun reading!

Wednesdays Pov: I woke up the next morning. I realized that I had fallen asleep while Enid was carrying me back to the dorm after our late walk in the forest. It was Christmas day. Enid wanted me to go to her gift exchange with people we knew. I wasn't so sure if I wanted to go or not. I figured she would just beg me until I agreed to go so 'I'll just go'." I thought to myself. I did have a couple of presents for some of the people that were going to be there. When I say a couple I mean one per person even though it isn't really per person considering I only bought them for two to three people. I had bought gifts for Eugene, Enid, and Xavier. But that was it. I didn't expect to get presents from anyone nor did I want presents from them. Enid was still asleep and it was almost breakfast time. The gift exchange wasn't until after breakfast so we had enough time. About ten minutes after I had woken up Enid did. She stretched and yawned and then got out of bed. I was sitting on my bed reading a book. I looked up from the book and saw her standing there in front of me.
"Merry Christmas Wedsy!" She said smiling brightly.
"Merry Christmas Sinclair." I replied back to her.
"So, you gonna go to the gift exchange or not?" She asked me.
"Well I suppose I have nothing better to do after breakfast anyways." I told her.
"So you'll go?" She responded.
"Yes." I said coldly.
"Yay!!" She exclaimed.
"I'm gonna go shower." I said.
"Alright!" She replied.
I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. After my shower I walked to my closet to change. I stared at my display of clothes debating on what to wear. I grabbed a pair of black pants, a black turtleneck, a white and black checkered cardigan, some black socks, and my black combat boots. I put my pants on and realized I was missing my necklace. I walked out of my closet in just pants and my bra.
"Hey, Enid have you seen my necklace?" I asked her searching the room.
"Yeah it's on your bedside table." She said as she pointed towards it not looking at me.
She then looked up from her phone and saw me.
"Holy shit!" She exclaimed and quickly looked away.
"Calm down I'm still wearing a bra." I said to her.
I then grabbed my necklace and walked back into my closet. I then changed into the rest of my clothes and walked out of the closet. Enid had already changed into her clothes. We walked to breakfast and sat down at a table.
"So Wednesday, are you going to the gift exchange?" Yoko asked me.
"I suppose." I said staring down at my food.
"Cool." Yoko responded.
We ate and then went back to our dorms for a break before meeting up at the night shades hide out for the gift exchange. After the break we went there and waited for everyone to arrive. Soon enough everyone was there and we were about to start the gift exchange. Everyone passed out their gifts and we were gonna go in order for who gets to open theirs. First was Bianca, then Yoko, Divina, Xavier, Ajax, Enid, Eugene, and thankfully I'm last. Eventually we got to the point where it was Enid's turn. It pained me to do so but I wrapped her present in colorful wrapping paper and a pink bow. She opened all the presents from everyone and ended it with mine.
"Y'know, you didn't have to get some of us anything right?" Enid said to me.
"Be lucky I got you anything." I said coldly.
She unwrapped the box and opened it. Inside was a pair of fancy pink Mary Jane's aka the shoes. Her eyes lit up and she squealed.
"Wednesday! How the hell did you get the money to buy these!" She said shocked.
"My family is rich. Or have you forgotten that I'm a part of the great Addams family?" I responded.
She asked me this because the shoes were about $150. It wasn't a big deal for me of course.
"I had no idea your family was rich." She told me.
"They are, end of discussion." I said.
"Alright then-" Enid replied.
It was now Eugene's turn to open presents. He opened some from other people and then mine.
"It's more from my brother than me." I told him.
"Oh cool!" He said as he started to unwrap it.
He opened the box and his eyes practically sparkled.
"Woah! Did he hand make this?" He said as he looked at the scarf my brother had made him.
It was yellow and striped black like a bee.
"Yes he did." I told him.
"That's amazing!" He said brightly.
"Yes, he has a matching one." I replied.
"Tell him I said thanks!" Eugene said smiling.
"Sure." I responded.
Finally it was my turn sadly. Enid handed me a black wrapped box. I unwrapped it and opened the box. Inside was something I thought was odd for her to give someone. It was a small vial shaped like a heart on a necklace chain.
"I hate to say it but, I'm confused." I said looking at Enid.
"You'll understand later! Just put it on for now!" She said smiling suspiciously bright.
With no hesitation I put the necklace on and put the box to the side. Eugene handed me a box. It wasn't wrapped but it had a bow around it. I opened the box and inside was a bracelet. It was yellow and black striped like bees.
"It's a friendship bracelet!" He said to me.
"I'm not much of a jewelery person." I responded.
"You don't have to wear it." He replied.
"No, I'm gonna wear it forever, back off." I said harshly.
I put the bracelet around my wrist and he smiled happily. If I'm being completely honest seeing him happy warmed my heart a little. Just a little. I can't stress the littleness of it enough. Thankfully the gift exchange was over. We all went back to our dorms. I was still confused about the heart vial so I figured I would ask Enid about it.
"So, are you going to explain the empty heart vial?" I asked her.
"Oh yeah!" She said.
"So, I have one that looks exactly like yours. Basically we have to draw each other's blood and put it in the vial. You get my blood and I get yours. I put my initials on your vial and your initials are on mine! It symbolizes our forever bond!" She explained to me.
"Wow, never in my life would I think that you would want to give me your blood just to symbolize love. I appreciate it though. You figured out a gift for me that I would like. Congrats to you." I told her.
She got the items needed to fill the vials and seal them forever so they couldn't ever be opened. She drew her blood and put it in my vial and I drew my blood and put it in her vial. We handed each other the vials and put them on.
"You are officially stuck with me forever Addams!" Enid said to me.
"I suppose I am Sinclair." I replied.
Forever. That word drilled in my brain like a screw in a wall. I didn't have a problem with it but I just thought about it. Forever.

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