Chapter 1

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In the planet of Utapau a battle rages on as the Clones of the 212th Battalion are pushing the droids back. We see the Commanding Officer of the 212th, Clone Marshal Commander CC-2224 nicknamed Cody, overseeing the battle in one of the platforms alongside a couple of Clone Troopers.

 We see the Commanding Officer of the 212th, Clone Marshal Commander CC-2224 nicknamed Cody, overseeing the battle in one of the platforms alongside a couple of Clone Troopers

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He hears the sound of a creature behind him and turns, revealing it to be his Jedi General, Obi Wan Kenobi. He began approaching him.

Obi-Wan: Commander, contact your troops. Tell them to move to the higher levels.

Cody then removed his helmet, revealing his face to be none other than Jaune Arc, but not the Jaune Arc we all know. No, this here is a clone and as well as all the Clone Troopers in this planet.

Cody: Very good sir.

Before Kenobi left, Cody gave him something.

Cody: Oh by the way, I think you'll be needing this.

He handed him his lightsaber.

Obi-Wan: Thank you Cody, now let's get a move on. We got a battle to win here.

Cody: Yes sir.

Obi-Wan rides with his mount, Boga, to one of the rock pathways as he heads to one of the Separatist's bases. Meanwhile, Cody gets a transmission and answers it with his holo-pad communicator.

Revealing it to be a hooded figure. That person is Palpatine.

Palpatine: Commander Cody. The time has come, execute Order 66.

Cody: Yes, my Lord.

Cody deactivated the holo-pad and looks at Kenobi.

Cody: Trooper, contact the others and alert them that Order 66 has been given. Have a team be ready to lead General Kenobi to the gunship, once we're done here. We'll head to the rendezvous point.

212th Trooper: Sir yes sir!

Cody looks at the battle as one thought came into his mind.

Cody: 'The Chancellor thought he could fool us, well the General is one step ahead of him. Let's hope the others are doing fine on their end'

On one of the Venator Cruisers, it is still in hyperspace as they are heading back to Coruscant, due to their prisoner. In the bridge, Captain or now Commander CC-7567 otherwise known as Rex is speaking to Palapatine in the holopad.

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