Chapter 8

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After Team PRN finishes up with the gear they were given, they proceed to the Gunship as Captain Keeli is waiting for them. But knowing these types of situations, Team RWBY shows up.

Ruby: Wait, guys!

Team PRN did not want another confrontation from them especially with Yang.

Pyrrha: Hello there, Ruby. But I'm sorry, we can't stay and chat. The Headmaster gave us a mission to Mt. Glenn and we need to depart as soon as possible.

Ren: And where's Xiao Long?

Blake: Still in the infirmary, heard the Clones had to sedate her when she woke up.

Pyrrha: Figures considering how she's always on her period.

Weiss: But why were you chosen to be part of this mission? And why did they give you their armor and weapons?

Pyrrha: Because the Clones said so.

Nora: Yeah! I can't wait to use these! They even upgraded Magnhild!

Ruby: That's unfair why didn't I get an upgrade!?

Ren: Because we're Jaune's Team, Ruby and he trusts us more than your Team, sorry to brake it to you.

Pyrrha: And if you're asking if we can let you see them after this, that's a big no. Jaune wouldn't want you treating their weapons and armor as toys. You've seen what these things can do agaisnt us, one shot and they're dead.

Blake: Yes Pyrrha we know, we all saw what they're capable of.

Pyrrha: And you know why Jaune doesn't want anyone else getting their hands on this.

Nora: Yeah I mean look at Atlas, they're tech got stolen so easily, Fearless Leaders Clones are not stupid like them!

Weiss: Atlas is not stupid!

Blake: Well.

Keeli: Hey, you kids getting in the Gunship or what?! We need to double time to Mt. Glenn now!

Pyrrha: Sorry to end this conversation early, but we got to go.

Before they left, Pyrrha made sure to tell Team RWB(Y) what Ozpin told them.

Pyrrha: Ozpin told us if you try to sneak in any of the Gunships, I'm looking at you Blake. We have full authorization and the same goes for the Clones to apprehend you and bring you back to Beacon in cuffs.

Team PRN steps in the Gunship as it takes off from Beacon and heads off to Mt. Glenn.

Inside the Gunship, it was Team PRN alongside Captain Keeli and three of Keeli's Clone Officers in his Company.

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