Chapter 25

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In the Republic'a Main HQ located in the Dragon Continent, Jaune just entered the Command Center alongside Kalani as they are both briefed on the situation.

Jaune: Cody, give us a rundown on the situation what's the strength of the SDC?

Cody: We got 3 Freighters headed for the Dragon Continent, 5 in Menagerie, and 8 heading to Base 407's location.

Kalani: So the idiotic Jacques Schnee decided to send only 3 to the Clones and Droids base and 8 to Base 407? I find this strategy very illogical.

Cody: Who knows. Most likely he sent more on Menagerie to kill all the Faunus as he believes we don't protect them. But all I know is Base 407 has something stored up in their base that the Schnee wants. But this strategy really doesn't make any sense.

Kalani: Then he is a fool. He is a businessman not an army general.

Jaune: Are they heavily armed? From what I know about these Freighters, compared to the Atlesian Flagship. These things are weaker and easy to take down, why would Jacques send them in without any firepower nor escorts.

Kalani: I believe that this Jacques Schnee must've outfitted his ships with firepower and fighters. As you have told me, this man has influence all around Remnant. No doubt he would use it gain more power and resources for whatever schemes he has planned.

Jaune: Yes, from what he is known for, that is a possibility.

Cody: So, what are your orders General?

Jaune: We take them out, plain and simple. These Freighters won't stand a chance against our Cruiser but I would like Jacques to see the firepower of our Starfighters and show them how deadly they truly are.

As Jaune went up to the Hologram and mapped out the three locations of where the Freighters are.

Jaune: Since Jacques planned on attacking three different locations at once, but the moron didn't realize just how powerful we are. Typical Atlesians. Like what I said earlier, we'll use our Fighters to take out their Freighters. Kalani, I want you and the Droids to take out the Freighters in the Dragon Continent.

Kalani: It will be done.

Jaune: Cody, prep up the pilots. Send one Cruiser in Menagerie and eliminate all the Freighters there. Meanwhile, I have something special for the boys at Base 407

Jaune then presses a button as a hologram of a Clone appears. This is Clone Commander Lock.

Lock: General.

Jaune: Captain. Take your Company and head over to Base 407 in Vacuo. We got SDC Freighters headed your way, I think it's for a reunion. I'll have Cody over here send the full details of your mission.

Lock: Understood, General.

The Holocall ends.

Jaune: Kalani, Cody get the Fighters ready.

Meanwhile in one of the shooting ranges in the HQ, we can see Ruby and Blake doing target practice in the range. They hear the doors open and see Team PRN enter the room.

Ruby: Hey there Pyrrha, is there something you need?

Team PRN removed their helmets as they walk to Ruby and Blake.

Pyrrha: How's things going for you so far? Heard you're doing well ever since you joined in with us.

Ruby: Yup. Felt like I'm doing more here than be a pawn in Ozpin's little game.

Blake: Yup, but at this point. The Shadow War is over and we should be celebrating. The Queen of Grimm has been defeated and the Grimm will no longer be a threat to us.

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