Chapter 20

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In one of the barracks in the Clone's Main Headquarters. Qrow steps out of the barracks as he is now decked in Clone Armor. The Clone Armor he was given is the Armor that Hunter wears, which is a modified Katarn-class Commando Armor. The color scheme he chose is similar to his Huntsman outfit, where the base color is grey with different shades of grey acting as markings. Then with a little black and red paint on the armor and his visor is red, he also has a symbol of a Crow on his right shoulder and his emblem on the left.

For his weapons, he was given an upgraded Harbinger with the blade being replaced with the blade used in a vibro-knife and the Dust rounds now fire blaster bolts, he is also equipped with dual DC-17 hand blasters, a DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System, and two virbo-knives located in his arm and one in his right leg.

He heads out to the Command Center, where he was met with Jaune.

Jaune: Ah, Qrow you're finally here.

Qrow: Yup and I have to say kid, I like the armor you guys are wearing. If Jimmy sees me wearing this he's going to flip.

Jaune: Well if you wore our armor during the time the Phase 1 was still in effect, you wouldn't like our armor.

Jaune nods as a Clone projects a map of an Academy.

Jaune: Qrow, I take it you know what Academy this is?

Qrow: Yup, that's Haven. Wait, don't tell me Ozpin is planning an attack right now?

Jaune: Nope, it's something else.

Jaune then presses another button as the hologram of Lionheart appears.

Jaune: I never told Ozpin this, but Lionheart here is a traitor and has been working with Salem.

Qrow: What?! Are you serious kid?!

Jaune: Yes I am, intel says that Cinder's other associates who we identified as Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai have been hiding out in Haven after the attack in Beacon and if you want proof of them being involved with Cinder, we even have security footage of them together.

Qrow: Damn, so Leo was a-holy shit! He was responsible for Amber getting her powers stolen!

Jaune: And with whatever Ozpin is planning Lionheart would no doubt tell Salem of this and she'll definitely use this war he has with us to her advantage.

Qrow: So you want us to take him out?

Jaune: It's capture or kill, depends on what info Lionheart can give us.

Qrow: I see, so who's the team going with me?

Jaune: Ruby and Blake will join you followed by a new Battalion that is ready to deploy. You will leave in a matter of minutes, we will meet up with them now.


Jaune and Qrow are in the hallways where they met with Ruby and Blake.

Ruby: Oh hey Jaune! Uncle Qrow!

Qrow: Hello to you to squirt and it seems you got a change of armor as well, last time I saw you. You are all decked in black.

Ruby's armor is still the same but with added red markings in her armor and her visor changed to silver.

Ruby: I had free time to do this.

Jaune: Come on you two, I have something special for you both.

Ruby: Oh, and what is it Jaune?

Jaune: You'll see.

Once the doors were open both Ruby and Blake were met with a group of Clones all standing in attention facing them. In their right we see 20 Clone Troopers all decked out in red and black markings, their markings all resemble Ruby's emblem and other features of her outfit. The only added features in their armor is a backpack, a hooded cape, and a holster for their DC-17 pistol.

Jaune, the Grand Clone RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now