Chapter 12

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In the Crown Bunker, Gillain destroys a table in anger as her Brother Jax, just watches.

Jax: You know we have an army right? We can lure these soldiers to one of the Villages and ambush them, heard from the boys that their equipment easily pierces through Aura. So if we get that, then we would be unstoppable.

Gillain: But still, we need to play our cards right, from what Carmine said she was able to infiltrate their base and will wait for the moment when we strike.

Jax: Well let's hope so, whoever these guys are have been taking out all our bases around the Kingdom. Heard they took out the Mirage, all our Enforcers didn't survive.

Gillain: Not one?

Jax: Yup, they were all slaughtered.

Gillain: I see...hmmmmmm

As Gillain began thinking of something then he thought of a plan.

Gillain: I have an idea Jax.

Jax: What is it Gillian?

Gillian: Since these soldiers are more focused in taking us out, then we'll send half of our forces basically those that are mind controlled to one of the main cities of Vacuo and have them attack the place. After all, once they find out the people are mind controlled they need to be careful not to kill them, they'll no doubt have their hands full.

Jax: Which will lead to half of their forces being sent to the City, while half of them will be in their base.

Gillain: Carmine reported that the soldier's numbers are few, so if we divert all of them out of their base, no doubt they won't have enough to defend agaisnt us.

Jax: I see, good plan there sister. I'll get the men ready, they won't see this coming.

Gillain: Indeed.

In the deserts of Vacuo, Sergeant Price alongside K Squad have set up positions by the cliffside that overlooks both the Kingdom of Vacuo and the Wastelands. Price alongside three Clones for K Squad, Finn, Hoppes, and Charles are all perched up by the rocks in a prone position.

Price: Finn, what do you got so far?

Finn is looking through the Marcobinoculars and sees nothing but sand.

Finn: Nothing yet, just sand.

Xander: I don't like sand. It's course and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere.

Johnny: What?

Price: Hoppes, Charles?

Both Hoppes amd Charles are equipped with a Valken-38X as they look through their scopes.

Charles: Eh, nothing on my radar Sergeant, deserts a ghost town.

Hoppes: Same goes for me Sarge.

Price: Alright then, Johnny, Atom, Xander I want you three to head to that rock formation and get a look around in the area.

Xander: You got it boss.

Johnny: Are you sure about this Sarge? What if there are Bandits that appear out of nowhere and ambush us?

Price: Then deal with it, plain and simple.

Finn: Don't tell me you're scared Johnny? Their weapons won't even kill us, the worst possible injury you can get is a stab wound and a huge dent in your armor.

Johnny: It's called being cautious

Xander: Cautious, righhhhhht.

Price: Cut the chatter, men. Johnny you are going down to those rocks whether you like it or not, got it?

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