Chapter 15

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A few hours ago

It's the dead of night as we can see a Forest, but all of a sudden, something quickly brushed through the bushes as you can hear the sounds of footsteps moving quickly.

You can see the Man moving as fast as he can as he is being chased by a group of soldiers. The Man continues running as stops to hide near a tree to catch his breath, said Man is Qrow Branwen.

He looks to his left and right to see if the Clones are chasing after him, but sees that the Forest is clear. He sighs in relief as he quickly turns into a Qrow and began flying off.

But, he was stopped when one of the Clones fires a Net Gun and it trapped Qrow sending him to the ground as he reverts back to normal. The net basically electrocuting him until he passes out, the Clones then began taking him into custody.

Vale: Beacon Academy

Ozpin is in office looking at the view from the window as usual as the elevator doors open. He turns his chair around as he sees Team RW(B)Y enter his office.

Ozpin: Ah, Team RWBY you're here and it appears Ms. Xiao Long's prosthetic has finally arrive.

Yang: Yup, and I can't wait to try this out!

Weiss: Please don't, the last time you did that you nearly blew your other arm off.

Ruby: So Headmaster, what mission do you have for us?

Ozpin then presses a button on his desk as an images of what appears to be a base. Another image, show a location marker.

Ozpin: You're curious to know what this is right? Well, this was Qrow Branwen's last known location.

Ruby: Wait! What happened to our Uncle?!

Ozpin: I sent him on a mission to investigate on a matter, and from what we can see here. It looks like the Clones have captured him.

Yang: So you want us to break him out? Then I'm all for it! I can't wait to beat the shit out of these Clones!

Ruby: Wait, Headmaster. You want us to break him out of Prison? Why not send Team JNPR-

Weiss: PRN, that Dolt is not part of the Team.

Ruby: He is to me.

Ozpin: I'm sorry to say this Ms. Rose, but I do not trust Team PRN. They are his allies and no doubt would inform him of this mission. They will have no involvement in any of this and you will not speak of this to them, do I make myself clear.

Team RWY: Yes Headmaster.

Ozpin: Good, there's a Bullhead waiting for you in the landing pad. Although, you are a one memebet short, due to Ms. Belladonna still in Menagerie, I trust you can handle this.

Ruby: You can count on us Headmaster.

Ozpin nods as Team RW(B)Y heads to the Elevator. Once they made it down, they went to their lockers and grab their weapons, but unknown to them, Ruby messages Pyrrha about their mission.

Ozpin sent us on a mission to rescue my Uncle. Heard he went to one of Jaune's bases and got captured. Please inform him of this, I feel like Ozpin is hiding something.


She made sure to delete it to not arise suspicion. She gets the rest of her gear and heads to the landing pad with her Team.

Meanwhile Team PRN, were not in Beacon, they were actually in the Clone Base they situated in Mt. Glenn. The Team has just finished a training simulation and were heading out.

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