Chapter 5

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Back at Beacon, the 636th Legion is pushing back the White Fang and the Grimm, all the Atlas AKs and Paladins all shut downed so the only problem the Clones have is taking out the Paladins that the White Fang are piloting.

Three Clones of the 636th rushed towards the Paladin and threw Thermal Detonators at them, the Paladin explodes into pieces. Magnhild and Miló are in the entrance of the Academy holding off the enemy as Magnhild uses his Z-6 Rotary Cannon and mows down the Grimm, while Miló uses the DC-15 Rifle and snipes the White Fang.

In the Academy, Crocea and Mors have secured the area and are protecting the Students, as they see Gunships land in the Academy, they look and saw it was the 332nd Legion.

Crocea: How goes the situation in the sky?

Vaughn: Virus has been disable and we made sure the Flagship won't be used by anyone anymore.

Storm: Don't tell me you blew up the ship?

Vaughn: We did. What's the situation on the ground?

Crocea: We secured the exterior part of the School, we are about to head inside. The General should be arriving here now.

And on cue one of the Gunships arrived as Jaune steps out alongside 4 other Clone Officers.

Jaune: Crocea, status report?

Crocea: The entire area is secured sir, we're about to breach in the Academy as we speak.

Jaune: Good, send them in.

Inside the cafeteria of Beacon, Yang is seen on the floor with Blake right beside her as Adam approaches them, ready to strike when all of a sudden a blaster bolt hits Adam's arm as he drops his weapon in the ground.

Adam: Argh! What the?!

He was going to grab his weapon but it was shot away, as more blaster bolts hit the ground. Adam tries to move away, but a group of Clones surrounded him.

 Adam tries to move away, but a group of Clones surrounded him

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Boss: Delta Squad form up, surround him.

Delta Squad began to surround Adam as they aim their DC-17m ICWS at him.

Adam: Who are you?!

Sev: Does it matter, now drop your weapon or we put you down on the ground now.

Fixer: Best do what he says or it's a blaster bolt to your face.

Boss looks at Scorch as he gets ready, while Adam looks at Delta Squad. He looks at Blake and sees that both her and Yang are gone, they were in another part of the cafeteria.

Boss: Drop him.

Scorch throws a thermal detonator at Adam, he quickly moves away but not without suffering a blaster bolt in his stomach courtesy of Sev. The explosion hits as Adam began sprinting away from Delta Squad, he was going to get his weapon but it was destroyed due to the thermal detonator.

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