Chapter 19

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In Ozpin's Office, him alongside Goodwitch and Ironwood are having a heated discussion regarding the events that just happened for the past few days.

Ironwood: This is unacceptable Ozpin! The Clones killed my men!

Ozpin: Technically they were trespassing in Clone territory so the Clones had all the right to engage them.

Ironwood: But it was territory that they stole! Atlas is losing more and more Dust because the Clones took over the SDC Facilities and Mines! Jacques is thinking of retaliating back.

Goodwitch: Then they won't stand a chance.

Ozpin: Indeed, and what's worse is the rescue attempt regarding Qrow has failed.

Goodwitch: Of course it did Ozpin, it was already obvious. To think you would send Students to rescue him, what were you thinking?

Ozpin: I had no other options Glynda.

Goodwitch: Really now? And look what that led to, Qrow Branwen and Ruby Rose have been arrested! Also I even heard that Team PRN quit Beacon as well.

Ozpin: I believe the same can be said for Ms. Belladonna, she has yet to come back to Beacon and I even tried contacting her parents but they refuse to answer my calls.

Ironwood: This is bad Ozpin, from what Ms. Schnee reported, the Clone are recruiting our people in their army.

Ozpin: Yes I heard rumors that all of the Dragon Continent, Vacuo, and Mistral have joined the ranks of the Clone Army. Even the people in Vale are doing the same as well sooner of later the people of Mantle will do the same.

Ironwood: Then we'll send one of our people to infiltrate their ranks and have them steal information and gear.

Goodwitch: I don't know about that James, they probably have procedures regarding that to make sure no spies enter their facilities.

Ironwood: Oh please, I highly doubt that.

Ozpin: But have you gathered all the Huntsman and Huntresses from the 4 Kingdoms?

Ironwood: Yes I have, all of them are eager to drive the Clones away from their homes and get their jobs back. Even the Students in the 3 other Academies want to join up as well.

Ozpin: The same can be said for Beacon, even if Mr. Arc and his Clones saved Beacon, the Students still don't believe he is that skillful and are willing to teach him a lesson.

Goodwitch: The staff are with you as well Ozpin, we gathered every Huntsman in Vale and are ready for action.

Ozpin: Good, when the time is right. We'll strike and drive these Clones out of Vale. I know they are here to help but I believe they have an ulterior motive and I need to make sure they get in line.

Then all of a sudden Ozpin got a call as he answered it and it was Port

Ozpin: Peter, what is it?

Port: Mr. Arc has sent one of his Officers to Beacon, they wish to have a chat with you.

Ozpin: Send them in.

Port nods and the call end. Ozpin wonders who is Jaune sending to his Office at this time. He needs to be ready to manipulate them if they start asking questions.

Ozpin: We need to be ready in case they start asking questions.

Goodwitch: Indeed.

Ironwood: But my question is, who is Mr. Arc sending here?

The Elevator Doors open as both Ozpin and Ironwood turned around and safe to say they expected to see a Clone but not this.

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