Chapter 13

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In the City of Argus, you can see multiple Venator Cruisers and other Republic Ships patrolling the skies. Gunships can be seen flying around the City as multiple areas were now placed with checkpoints by the Coruscant Guard. As a sea of Clones with red markings fill the streets of Argus.

Meanwhile in the Atlas Military Base that is also located in Argus, Caroline Cordovin is not pleased by this situation at all.

Cordovin: So you mean we can't do anything about it?!

Ironwood: I'm afraid we can't.

Cordovin is speaking to Ironwood through Scroll Call and her mood is not happy at all.

Cordovin: What do you mean?! These soldiers are invading our territory Ironwood!

Ironwood: Let me remind you that the Mistral Council and the City of Argus allowed these men inside the City.

Cordovin: I still don't like it Ironwood.

Ironwood: Neither do I, but there is nothing we can do. But I do have a plan.

Cordovin: Oh? And what plan is that?

Ironwood: Ozpin informed me he is trying to find a way to deal with those little occupation, says he doesn't trust them. He's gathering all the forces he can to wage an attack soon, I take it you want a part of this?

Cordovin thinks about this little proposal and smiles.

Cordovin: Very well, Ironwood. I accept, I'll join whatever the Headmaster of Beacon has planned and I'm eager to show these soldiers just how powerful Atlas truly is.

Ironwood: Indeed.

Back in the City of Argus, a certain Family can be seen walking back to their home, after doing a little errand for their Mother. They are the Arc Sisters, mainly Rosemary, Jade, and Saphron.

Rosemary: Did we ever figure out who these soldiers are? Cause from the way they look, they don't look like Atlas at all.

As the Arc Sisters look around and see the Coruscant Guard patrolling the streets as Squads of six Shock Troopers can be seen and Clone Riot Troopers.

Jade: Yup, don't look like Atlas to me.

Saphron: But it's already obvious that people will still think they're Atlas cause of the white armor. But you have to be smart to know that Atlas ain't smart to create something like that.

Jade: Or the fact that their corrupt Council would be too cheap to create something like that or even those ships. From what I theorized, Dust isn't capable of something like that, I should know. I work on stuff like this.

Saphron: Yup, you would have to be an idiot to think that everything has to be made of Dust.

Jade: When in fact there are other methods for fuel.

Saphron: Hate to meet that person.

As the Arc Sisters continue walking, they stumbled upon two Shock Troopers having a conversation.

Shock Trooper: Hey did you hear what happened back in Vacuo?

Shock Trooper: No I didn't.

Shock Trooper: Well the boys said that Base 407 slaughtered the Crown, heard they lured them in their base and killed them all.

Shock Trooper: Really now? Must have been a massacre.

Shock Trooper: It was, heard from the boys that are from the Coruscant Guard in Base 407, they didn't hesitate to gun them down.

Shock Trooper: That seems unorthodox.

Shock Trooper: There's a reason why the General sent them there. All I know is they won't work well with guys like us.

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