Chapter 3

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Jaune and his 4 Commanders rushed towards the Hangar Bay as a fleet of Ships all entered. All the Clones were expecting the rest of the other units to arrive, but once those doors open. Well they're in for a surprise.

Jaune quickly heads to the nearest ship and identifies the Clone. He can see that he looks very confused right now and wonders why majority of the Clones are all wearing a different set of Armor.

The same goes for the other Clones, they wonder why that Clone is wearing Phase 1 armor.

Jaune: Trooper identity yourself.

Denal: Sir! Sergeant Denal of the 501st Legion, sir!

Jaune: Denal? Didn't Rex informed me that you and a Clone named Koho died back at the Devaron System?

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Jaune: Denal? Didn't Rex informed me that you and a Clone named Koho died back at the Devaron System?

Denal: Yes sir........we died. We still don't know how we got here, all we know is we suddenly woke up in a Venator Cruiser.

Clone: He's right sir, majority of the people on our ship were Clones that died in battle.

Jaune: And what's your designation Trooper?

Hevy: Sir, CT-782, sir!

Denal: His name is Hevy, and him and the entire squad that was wiped out in the Rishi Moon is alive.

Crocea approaches Jaune as he's holding a datapad.

Crocea: Sir, even more and more signals are appearing in this Sector sir, all of them are Clones that have died in battle.

Storm: And you won't believe this but those that have been brought back go all the way back to the First Battle of Geonosis.

Magnhild: First Battle of Geonosis?! If I remember right, hundreds and thousands of Clones died there! That's a lot of them that are back now!

Miló: Reports from one of the Cruisers stated 4,982 Clone Commandos are present there as well and they even said they go way back from the First Battle of Geonosis.

Magnhild: Man, we have a lot of work to do.

Crocea: But at least we have an army and a big one at that.

Storm: Yup, with all this info about Clones coming back to life then our manpower is over a million plus by now.

Miló: Or even more, there are a lot of Clones that died in this war.

Jaune then goes up to one of the crates and addresses all of his men.

Jaune: Everyone listen up, I know this sounds crazy but you have to believe me! In due time you will all get your answers on how this all happened but I'll say this right now! All the Clones you see that said they died have all been brought back to life! And yes it is what it means! All of the Clones that have died during the Clone Wars have now been brought back to life!!

Then cue all the murmurs and whispers from the Clones, safe to say. They're all shocked beyond belief.

Jaune: That's why I want all of you in my Legion and the rest of the veteran Clones to head to those ships and help us identity all of these Clones who have just been brought back! They will be really confused on the situation so we need to explain it to them thoroughly, is that understood?!

Jaune, the Grand Clone RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now