Chapter 7

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It's the next day as both the City of Vale and Beacon are undergoing repairs. Thanks to the efforts of the Clones.

The 636th Legion and the Coruscant Guard have set up outposts all over Vale and Beacon as they begin the operations, they have three Venator Cruisers hovering around the Kingdom and a couple other ships.

Jaune tasked a Unit to deal with the remaining Grimm in Mt. Glenn, as well keep an eye out for any remaining White Fang Cells in the Kingdom.

In Beacon, Teams RWBY and PNR are at the cafeteria that is still ongoing repairs, the Students are being served food and doing their daily activities.

Yang: Ugh, I hate this!

Blake: Yang get over it, there's nothing you can do.

Weiss: And don't think you can start another fight, they already put Aura Cuffs on you and you only have one arm! The Prosthetic that General Ironwood is giving you is still on it's way

Yang tried to fight with the Clones around 5 times today, it ended up with her being stunned and now placed in Aura Cuffs to keep her in check.

Pyrrha: Weiss is right, with those Aura Cuffs you don't have your Aura or your Semblance, so don't think you can start a fight with the Clones.

Ren: Plus Yang, if you fought one. The rest will swarm you.

They all nod and look around and see Clones of the 636th patrolling the area and keeping an eye of things, they also see outside a Venator Cruiser that landed in the School as it drops off more troops.

Yang: That's the problem! It's these Clones, they all have his face! I already hated seeing that Faker's face now I'm seeing it everywhere.

Ruby: Yang, please stop. What's done is done. You either like it or not, but Jaune and his Clones saved you from getting killed.

Blake: Ruby's right, Adam was going to stirke us both down Yang, if it wasn't for him. Who knows what would've happened.

Pyrrha: And let me remind you, he saved all of us from the Grimm, the White Fang, and the hacked Atlas Robots. Show some appreciation for what they did Yang, they're even helping out in fixing the School.

Yang: I still don't like it! I don't like any of it! He's still the same weakling we all know! He calls himself a General and yet he led all of his so called Clones to their deaths! He's not a leader, he's a fake, a coward, a weakling, and the same can be said for his Clones! They even lost the war, goes to show that they mean nothing that they all died for nothing what a disgrace, they are just as useless as him!

Pyrrha: That's enough Yang.

Yang: To be honest looking at this so called Clone Wars, I would've join just to watch the Faker's Clones die, seeing him suffer like that for faking his way in Beacon and seeing them all die puts a smile on my face.

Pyrrha: I said enough.

Yang: Seriously P-Money, why the hell would you fall in love with a waste of space like him. He should've taken my advice and took a swan dive off the roof-

That was it.

Pyrrha dropped her food and lunged towards Yang, shocking everyone in the table. As she delivers a heavy punch that sent Yang flying to the ground.

She went up to Yang, grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and smashed her fist into her face, you can hear a sickening crack as Pyrrha broke her nose, blood pouring out of it.

Pyrrha then continues to smash her fist into Yang's face as the sound of bones cracking can be heard, Pyrrha's face filled with anger and hate that she's been bottling up that is now being released onto Yang. 

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