
10.1K 173 9

Genre: Fluff
Includes: Cuteness Overload

Sighing silently, Vegas stepped foot into his apartment. The lights were off, darkness engulfing the small living place. Getting rid of his shoes and shrugging off his coat, the ravenette ran a hand through his messy hair messing it up even more and silently walked towards his room.

Opening the door he couldn't quite see anything with the faint light and bolted to his wardrobe. In the midst of taking off his shirt he heard a small voice from his covers. "Vegas." The mentioned subconsciously smiled at the voice. He wasn't expecting Pete until tomorrow but looks like the older had come early.

Throwing his shirt on the floor and forgetting to wear a new one, Vegas moved his feet to Pete who was sitting on his bed. The brunette was wrapped in his blankets, eyes half open while a pout lay on his pretty pink lips. "Hi baby, I'm sorry did I wake you?" Vegas asked smoothing down the stray hairs atop Pete's head.

"No, it's fine." Vegas leaned across the bed and turned on the nightlight. Pete's head fell on the youngers shoulder eyes closing again as he opened his little blanket cocoon. "I've missed you so much. Can we please cuddle?" The cute request made Vegas coo gently caressing Pete's face.

"Of course, love. I've missed you too." Holding Pete in his arms Vegas planted a kiss on his head earning that cute smile and dimples from his lover. Laying on the bed Pete curled himself next to Vegas' chest holding the youngers hand near his cheek.

The younger just wanted time to pause for a moment, so he could have the chance to admire Pete forever. The brunette looked so fucking cute with his other cheek smushed against the pillow.

They've been dating a couple years but months ago both Pete and Vegas had gotten jobs that required the couple to stay away from each other for weeks. Even when they did meet up both of them were too tired and usually fell asleep on each other, doing nothing else. Tonight was the real break Vegas had gotten since his first day working and he absolutely loved it.

Although he knew he would wake up in the morning with an empty bed, he was comforted by the fact that he had fell asleep holding the love of his life tightly in his arms.

Turning off the nightlight, Vegas placed a last peck on Pete's fluffy bread cheeks before shutting his eyes and getting pulled into dreamland.



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