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Genre: idk

"Take some shots bitches." Porsche's voice could be heard throughout the entire boat as he came out of the cabin with five shot glasses. "One for you, one for you, one for you and two for me." Kinn snorted at his boyfriend's actions.

"Is this tequila?" Pete asked taking off his glasses. Porsche nodded. "Bottoms up." And he tipped his head back swallowing the bitter liquid.

Pete shrugged and copied his friend cringing at the burning in his throat. "Here, you can have mine too." Vegas gave his to Pete. "Boo. Don't be boring." Pete lightly glared at the tanned male. "You know he doesn't drink." The brunette then took his boyfriends shot for him.

"Okay, whatever." He connected his phone to the speaker they brought. Kinn just stared at the younger with glittery eyes. "Come here." The older opened his arms and Porsche squealed going to sit on his lap. Kinn grinned at his lover kissing his lips.

"Nope. Nope, not again." Pete took his stuff and climbed down the stairs of the relatively large boat. Vegas silently followed the older as he had nowhere to go. Pete noticed the younger and grabbed his hand.

The second couple took a seat on the edge of the boat meant for diving. Pete laid his head on Vegas' shoulder their feet swinging in the blue sea.

"Are you having fun?" Pete asked drawing hearts on the back of Vegas' hand. "Yeah I like it. It's nice to be out." The older hummed agreeing as the two stared out into the vast ocean seeing nothing but water.

"Are you sure they like me though? I don't think Porsche does." Pete laid his chin on Vegas and looked at the younger. "Don't worry. They love you, and don't worry about Porsche. He likes everyone."

"I mean I don't really know them, I feel like I'm intruding." Vegas messed with his swim trunks. Pete frowned making his partner look at him. "Trust me babe, you're not. It was Kinn's idea for us four to come out here and he hasn't said anything that means disapproval."

Vegas still was a bit nervous around Pete's friends. Their approval meant everything to him.

"I'm not boring right?" He found himself questioning. Pete lightly smacked his arm. "You're not. Don't worry sweets, you're perfect." That got Vegas to smile holding Pete's face and planting a kiss on the youngers forehead.

Pete frowned. "You do realize my lips are down here, right?" The older puckered his lips making Vegas laugh at how adorable he was. "Like you could've just bent down and they would've been there."

Picking up Pete, Vegas placed the older on his lap connecting their lips. Smiling at the contact he wanted, Pete snaked his arms around the youngers neck bringing their bodies closer.

Squeezing Pete's waist Vegas stuck his tongue inside the olders mouth once his lips parted. The brunette hummed not bothering to fight this man for dominance, giving into the kiss, loving how their tongues danced together harmoniously.

"Calm down you horny bitches." Porsche's voice had them break the kiss, chests heaving up and down. The tanned male was laughing at them with Kinn from the second floor. "You can't fuck on my boat morons." Kinn added.

Pete smiled flipping the two off making Vegas chuckle. Porsche gladly gave his friend the kind gesture back.

"Now come on up, I'm hungry." Pete sighed looking down at Vegas. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with him."

"I heard that! You asshole!" Porsche shouted back. Vegas laughed at the cute relationship Pete had with Porsche.

The couple got up going to the second floor again swinging their intertwined hands back and forth. "Where'd you get the pizza from? I doubt they have DoorDash in the middle of the ocean."

"They don't stupid. I made it, with the oven." Kinn rolled his eyes at the stupid question and Pete threw a pillow at him. "Okay but like when? You've done nothing all afternoon."

"Me and Porsche made it when you and Vegas disappeared into the rooms for like an hour." Kinn gave them a suspicious look. Pete mocked the glare and Vegas could only clear his throat with pink dusted cheeks.

"I'm kind of scared to eat it. You're not really the best cook." Kinn shoved a piece in Pete's face. "Just eat it." Porsche took a seat on his right thigh getting comfortable on his boyfriend who gladly invited the affection.

"Here have some." Pete gave Vegas a slice leaning on his boyfriends chest.

The four friends spent all day on the ocean soaking up the sun, making fun of each other and making out with their partners until the sun set.

"It's so pretty." All of them stared at the glittering night sky littered with stars. "Not as pretty as you." Porsche winked at his boyfriend who only snorted.

"Ew." Vegas said in a joking manner, Pete giving them a dirty look. "Go be gross somewhere else." Porsche stuck out his tongue. "You're just jealous."

"Why would I be jealous?" Pete asked placing his hand on Vegas' bare chest. "I have him." The ravenette pecked his partners lips. "Who's being gross now?" Kinn looked at them with his lips turned up mimicking a disgusted expression.

Vegas looked down at Pete who was arguing with Porsche about something petty, smiling at their intertwined hands.


I'm not ready to let go of Vegas and Pete 💔

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