Creepy Guards

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The Theerapanyakul family were enjoying their time behind their mansion, tanning by the huge pool.

Pete had his sunglasses on letting the sun tan his milky white skin. Venice was taking laps in the clear water, challenging Prapai. The latter was currently winning. Porsche was mixing drinks for the adults while Kinn kept count of Pai's and Venice's laps. Vegas stood in the corner smoking while admiring his beautiful husband.

Only Paris was missing.

Vegas was going to go check on his daughter but she turned up a second later. Her brown hair fell down in waves over her shoulder and to her waist while a cardigan hid her bikini. The ravenette grinned seeing her sit next to husband.

He flicked the cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. Vegas was about to head to his family when he noticed one of his guards not doing his job.

Vegas narrowed his eyes but he let it go, sitting down next to Paris who like Pete, had sunglasses resting on her nose bridge.

"Hey dad." Paris flashed a quick smile to Vegas making the ravenette grin back. "Hey." She whined when he reached up and messed up a few strands of her hair.

"Dad come on." She clicked her tongue earning a quiet giggle from Pete. Vegas shook his head, seeing the same guard from his peripheral vision.

His smile fell when he noticed what the guard was looking it.

Who he was looking at.

Paris moved some of the hair off her shoulder, arms resting on her belly.

He's checking her out. Vegas' jaw gritted. A thirty something year old man was checking out his sixteen year old daughter. And he was doing it shamelessly too.

Suddenly the day wasn't as beautiful as he thought it was. He was broken out of his thoughts by Prapai's loud whoops of victory.

"Yeah! Suck on that! I told you I'd win, who's cocky now-" Pai screeched when Venice pushed him into the pool. "You sound like a girl Pai."

The ravenette emerged from the water flipping off Venice. "You're just a sore loser."

"Who's going to kill you." Pai's eyes widened when Venice jumped on top of him, barely missing his neck. Kinn sighed shaking his head. "No killing each other kids." And he left to go get a drink.

Vegas sighed, looking back at the guard who hadn't stopped ogling Paris. It honestly disgusted him.

Standing up abruptly caused Pete to give him a suspicious look, but he couldn't dwell on that. His blood was boiling at the fact that his daughter couldn't even enjoy the pool without a creepy man eye-fucking her.

"You. Come with me." The guard reluctantly looked at Vegas which pissed him off even more. "Yes sir." Vegas walked into the mansion taking the guard down with him to the basement.

"Do-do you need me for something sir?" The door closed behind the two. Vegas hummed rummaging through the old cabinets. "Yeah, can you just stand there?"

"Sure, sir. But if I may ask-"

Vegas took out a gun shooting the man in front of him in the shoulder. The guard screamed in pain falling to his knees. Vegas approached him twirling the gun in his hand as if it was some toy.

He pointed the end of it to the man's genitals watching as the fear set in his eyes. Vegas gave him a sadistic smirk before blowing his genitals off. "Keep your eyes off my daughter." He said not feeling a shred of guilt at the man in front of him writhing in pain.

In less than a second he put a bullet between the man's eyes.

Vegas scoffed as the body fell to the dirty basement floor. Tsk. Disgusting. The ravenette spit on the body throwing the gun on a nearby desk before rejoining his family near the pool.

Paris was now on her stomach reading a book, the cardigan falling over her shoulder.

Pete took off his sunglasses and gave his husband a questioning look to which Vegas replied with a thumbs up. The brunette looked at the empty place where he last saw a guard, shook his head and put on the shades again.

He learned to stop questioning Vegas a long time ago.

Vegas sighed placing his arms under his head, feeling much more at peace now that there wasn't a pedophile eyeing his child like she was some candy.

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