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Genre: A Bit Of Angst
Requested: @laviniagazsi

Leaning back all the way on the office chair, Vegas sighed checking the time before turning the chair to face the view out of the glass wall. They were on the top floor and since it was a cloudy night, you couldn't see the streets. Just a thick layer of cloud with a couple buildings and bright lights poking out from beneath it. He couldn't wait to go home and see his lovely boyfriend.

Facing the normal direction once more, Vegas stifled a yawn resuming his work on the papers in front of him. It didn't take long for his secretary to walk in holding a cup of what smelt like coffee.

If Vegas payed any attention to her then he would've noticed her slightly shaking hands threatening to spill the dark liquid. But although he saw her everyday, he never bothered to pick up details. "H-here you go sir."
"Thank you Gwen, you can go home for the night it's getting late."

Gwen nodded her hand tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear. "Good night boss." All she got was a small hum in respond.

Vegas continued leafing through the pages, pen in hand, marking anywhere where he thought was needed. Slowly sipping the bitter liquid Vegas could feel his cells jolt awake at the taste. Although it tasted a bit odd this time, he wasn't one to complain.

Over the minutes, the closer he got to finishing the papers the more his eyes seemed to weigh. Dropping the pen on the small stack of papers, Vegas held his temples in his hands.

Looking ahead at the clock in front of him Vegas could feel his head spin, one clock turning into two twisting and turning before his eyes. "Woah...what the heck?" He tried shutting his eyes but reopening them seemed to make things worse.

Trying his best to stand up on his two feet, Vegas could feel his knees buckle, stumbling over his own foot until he fell on the chair once more, being pushed near the glass wall. Everything around him was spinning, his eyes threatening to shut. They felt like they weighed a ton each, body begging for him to close them.

Swallowing his saliva Vegas heard the door open, heels clacking on the floor, hammering his head. A blurry figure with long red hair appeared before him. "Pete.." he managed to mumble before his eyes fell close.

Gwen stood before the man frowning deeply, green eyes switching between the door and Vegas' unconscious state. "Even at a time like this you think of him." She whispered.

It was very well known amongst Vegas' employees that he was in a relationship already, being loyal to his boyfriend. But Gwen's feelings for their boss was the most talked about.

She licked her pretty pink lips shaky hands going to the top button on Vegas' shirt. Undoing that one she began going down the row of buttons on the crisp white shirt until she got to the one near his belly button.

A groan left the unconscious man's lips feeling the cold air hit his chest and tiddies. "No going back after this." She thought getting closer to his face, grabbing Vegas' left cheek with her hand, softly caressing the smooth skin.

Before she had a chance to collide their lips together the door was thrown open and Nop walked in. Gwen was startled and took a few fearful steps back. Nop scanned her then saw the position his boss was in. "What the fuck do you think you're doing right now?!"

Nop yelled going over to the frozen woman, pushing her aside before checking Vegas. "Boss, boss wake up." He patted Vegas' cheeks but it proved useless. Nop turned to Gwen harshly glaring at her. "I don't know what you've done to him but this isn't over, you got that?" He grabbed her by the collar before throwing her aside making her almost trip.

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