
4.1K 116 14

Genre: idk
Requested: @laviniagazsi
Trigger Warning: Homophobia
¡Read at your own risk!

The alarm going off beside their bed made the two figures shift under the blankets. Vegas yawned peeking over the covers to check the time. He was about to lift his arm to stop the blaring machine but couldn't due to his adorable husband. Pete had his arms wrapped around Vegas, one of the olders limbs underneath Pete's face while his cheek was smushed cutely. Lips pouty.

Grabbing a pillow from the end of the bed Vegas threw it at the alarm clock which fell off his nightstand and finally stopped. Taking a second to admire the cute ass human in his arms, Vegas grinned brightly. His mornings always started off so good.

But both of them had things to do today. And with a heavy heart, Vegas gently shook his lover. "Pete, baby wake up. Honey you're going to be late for class."

Reluctantly opening one eye Pete groaned plunging himself deeper into the warmth of his lover. "No." He whined cutely rubbing his face on Vegas' tiddies, I mean chest. "But love, do you want to be late for class? You're going to get scolded by your professor."

Pete rubbed his eyes yawning cutely while looking up at his husband, that deep pout still evident on his face. "I don't want that." Vegas brushed away the few strands of hair from Pete's face. "Then let's get up, yeah?" Pete eventually nodded sitting up on the bed with Vegas following. The covers fell off their bodies, Pete shivering. Like always he snuggled into his husband for warmth.

Getting ready for their completely different days, Vegas stared at the both of them in the mirror. His arms wrapped around Pete's pretty waist, chin laying on the youngers shoulder.

He was wearing a white button up but half of them weren't even done along with black jeans and fancy shoes while his hair was parted to the side. Pete on the other hand had on baggy jeans a white sweatshirt that gave him sweater paws and converse on his feet. Let's not forget about his socks with cute baby seals on them.

"Ready to go?" Pete nodded planting a kiss on his husbands cheeks. "Now I am." Vegas cooed pinching the youngers cheek cause he was just so darn cute.

Looking at these polar opposites a lot of people wonder how they even got together. It's simple, not really. Even before Pete was born his parents were associated with Vegas' family and the mafia. Growing up he was extremely sheltered then most kids, being homeschooled his whole twelve years of education. His mother died when he was young due to their enmity and Pete's dad didn't want to lose his son.

But alas, death makes exceptions for no one. A couple years after Vegas took over the family business both the known and the unknown, Pete's dad died between a shoot-out with the Italians. Pete was barely sixteen, from then Vegas taking care of the younger boy. He felt a sense of duty over the young boy since Pete's father had been so loyal all these years, practically part of the family.

Falling in love with Pete was easy. The boy may have been shy and spoke only a couple words when meeting Vegas but that just made him cuter in Vegas' eyes. All the little endearing habits he had and how sulky he would get upon not receiving what he wanted just made him fall deeper and deeper. Now, Vegas was obviously not a pedophile so he didn't make any moves on the young boy.

But he was taken by surprise when Pete suddenly confessed to him a day after his eighteenth birthday, shiny tears rolling down his face. Then they got married, everyone knows how that ended and back to present time.

Vegas stopped his car in front of Pete's college smiling at the younger who hesitated a bit before letting his fingers curl around the door handle. "Bye baby, I love you." Pete grinned kissing his husband's face. "I love you." He said before pushing open the door walking out not forgetting to turn around and wave at the man.

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