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Genre: fluff

Pete loved this.

He loved lazy Sunday's where he could just lay in his boyfriends arms all day.

He loved listening to Vegas' heartbeat and tracing his tattoos with his fingers.

"You should get a new tattoo. Actually we should get matching ones." Pete said pushing against the bed to face his boyfriend beneath him. "Really? You want to get them?" Vegas asked with a small smile on his face. Pete nodded excitedly. "It'll be my first tattoo, and what better as a first than to get matching ones with you."

Vegas chuckled his hands sliding further underneath Pete's shirts to caress his back. "Alright. I'm down." Pete squealed falling back on Vegas' chest. The ravenette began rubbing Pete's skin again.

And then he got a brilliant idea.

"How about we go today? I mean the shop is downstairs isn't it?" Pete's eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas. "Yes." He got up immediately holding out his hand for Vegas to take. The top only smiled before grabbing the other's hand. "Let's go."

The couple quickly put on their slippers before a buzzing Pete dragged his much calmer boyfriend down the steps of their apartment.

Vegas owned a tattoo shop with his cousin Kinn and his boyfriend Porsche. It was quite popular in town and many people visit their shop everyday. Some to get tattoos while others were just there to marvel at how handsome the owners were.

Walking into the studio from the back door Vegas was greeted by Porsche. "Hey guys." The tanned male smiled taking off his gloves. "We're here for a tattoo so I'm just going to go to my station." Porsche nodded turning around while the other couple went to where Vegas usually worked at.

"Let's pick something and I'll do you first." Pete nodded opening the thick book full of beautiful sketches. He felt so proud of his boyfriend because he knew most of these sketches were his own. "I don't want something too big." The brunette looked so focused checking out the drawings.

Vegas found it so extremely adorable.

The ravenette nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard Pete gasp while repeatedly slapping his thigh. "Can we do this?" He showed the drawing on the brown napkin that was clipped to the page. Vegas grabbed the book for a closer look and grinned. "Yeah of course babe. I love this."

Of course he loved it, he was thinking of Pete when drawing it.

"Alright, let me get the things ready." Pete nodded getting comfortable on the chair patiently waiting for his boyfriend. "By the way where do you want it?"
"Uhm, I was thinking the back of my arm." Vegas nodded. "Alright." And he disappeared. 

Pete's been in the shop many times but each time it gets so much prettier in his opinion.

It had kind of a very calming vibe. With random sketches of things hung on the walls and the thorny black vines painted on by Kinn across the white walls. There was quiet music playing blending with the buzzing of the tattoo machine. Unlike other shops their wasn't brightly lit and it wasn't harsh to the eyes. It wasn't like the studio was completely dark, there was still enough light from the lamps and fairy lights across the ceiling following the vines. It was just very pleasing to the eyes.

Vegas had came back with everything he needed and a tray. The ravenette washed his hands with soap and dried them before taking two black gloves out of the box on his desk and putting them on his hands. Pete admired him silently as he popped open the bottle of black ink and poured it onto a little cup thing before wrapping his machine with black bandage several times.

He had placed the stencil where Pete had asked and turned on his tattoo machine. Dipping the needle into the ink pot he began drawing over the blue lines in black ink.

Pete scrunched his face feeling the needle repeatedly stab his arm but it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would. The fact that Vegas was doing it comforted him.

The artist looked so focused not wanting to mess up or hurt his lover. Since it wasn't that big of a tattoo a couple ink wipes later and he was all done. "There we go." He said wiping it one last time before covering the tattoo with a thin layer of gel. After that he went in with a thin clear bandage.

Pete got up checking out the tattoo in a nearby mirror. He was smiling from ear to ear. "It's so pretty." Vegas smiled happy with himself. "Now who to do me?" He looked around seeing Porsche working on someone while Kinn was behind the counter.

And so Vegas got his tattoo done by Kinn.

Since Vegas already had a lot of tattoos (most of them covering his left arm along with one on the side of his neck) he opted for his less crowded arm which was his right arm.

The couple checked them out together both of them loving how it looked. Pete clapped in tiny turning to face Vegas, the ravenette grabbing his face and placing a sweet kiss on his lovers lips.

They were going to stay together forever♡


The tattoo

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The tattoo. Also sorry for the shit chapter 💔

I'm on a road trip😍

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