Meeting You Once More

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Genre: angst, fluff
Continuation of my last oneshot
Maybe mini series

It's been two years.

Two long and painful years ever since Vegas was left on the day of his wedding by his partner. An agonizing seven hundred and thirty days since he last saw the face of the person he would gladly kill for.

So much time has passed and he still doesn't know where he went wrong. Vegas hasn't even tried to get into any new relationships, being pretty reclusive with all of the blind dates Macau and his friends set him up with.

Sighing sadly he quickly put on a fake smile seeing Porsche walk down the aisle. Everyone including him had gotten up for the beautiful groom.

And watching his cousins blinding smile as they held hands, it tore his heart open. That was going to be him and Pete. His day was supposed to be perfect like today.

Call him selfish for thinking about himself on such a happy day for his family, but it's only natural. Especially since that happiness easily could've been his own.

After the ceremony had ended and the newlyweds were just enjoying some champagne, Vegas decided to take a breather outside. Closing the door to the venue, the ravenette took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his packet.

Vegas wasn't one to smoke, he fucking hated it. But this last year he found it being the only way he can empty his mind and his heart. Leaning against the rough brick wall Vegas shut his eyes feeling the gray smoke blow out of his nose.

But he was brought back to reality when someone grabbed the cigarette out of his hand, throwing it on the ground. "Phi! What the fuck?!" Macau stepped on the cancerous stick. "I was in the middle of something." Vegas rolled his eyes having absolutely no energy left.

"Yeah I could see." Macau grabbed his older brothers shoulder. "Phi, you need to stop this. Snap out of it, please." Desperation was seeping out of Macau's voice his eyes getting glassy seeing his brother so heartbroken.
So heartbroken over a person who didn't even deserve him.

"You need to go home." Vegas removed Macau's hands from his shoulders. "I can take myself home. Go back to the venue and tell Porsche so he doesn't get worried." The elder then pushed himself off the wall and walked towards his car.

Macau watched as his brother left more and more tears pooling in his eyes before some of them slid down his cheeks.

Next day Vegas was just aimlessly driving around town trying to find a coffee shop he hadn't gone to before. He needed some caffeine after barely sleeping the previous night.

Stopping by the one closest to his workplace and coincidentally the one that opened last week, Vegas walked into the building. There wasn't that many people which relieved him.

While waiting in line the ravenette got out his phone to text Kinn and ask the older what he wanted. By the time that son of a gun responded it was already Vegas' turn.

But there was no one behind the counter, and he was going to leave but then he heard a loud bang that made him flinch.

"Ow." The barista under the counter whined rubbing his head as he got up. "I'm sorry, what can I get-" Vegas' heart stopped and his ears began ringing muffling all sounds around him. "you?" The brunette gulped nervously meeting eyes with the last person he thought he'd see.

"Pete?" Vegas asked brown furrowing in confusing seeing his ex-lover in front of him.


This shall be a mini series my luvs😍

You don't like it too bad🤭

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