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Genre: angst
Trigger Warning: abuse, attempted rape
¡Read at your own risk!

"Who did this to you?" Vegas asked lifting Pete's face. His eyes fell on the brunettes teary ones, his lips swollen and bruised while disgustingly dark hickeys covered his neck and torso. "I-it's fine. Leave it alone Vegas." Pete was going to look away but Vegas grabbed his chin carefully examining the face of his bodyguard/friend.

The mafia leader's jaw clenched and blood boiled the more he looked at how horrible he looked. Whoever did this was going to pay.

He had a lightbulb moment, it finally dawning on him who did this. That fucker.

Pete's lips opened and closed trying to calm down Vegas reaching for the youngers wrist. But Vegas was faster storming out of the bathroom. Pete could only sigh and cover his face as the horrid memories from a couple hours ago came back to haunt him.

"Make sure you secure all corners." Pete said through the ear piece he was wearing cautiously watching everyone coming in and out of the huge ball room. "I got exit A." One by one all the other bodyguards reported their position to him.

Pete nodded checking everything before walking towards the entrance. Having a short conversation with one of his guards, he saw Vegas' car pull up and the young boss got out of the vehicle. Pete was instantly at his side protecting the younger from and potential threat. "Are you ready Pete?" Vegas whispered.

"Yes sir. I have taken all measures to make sure you're safe tonight." Pete said to him leading his boss into the crowded ballroom.

Immediately Vegas grabbed everyone's attention grabbing a glass of champagne and making himself comfortable on one of the seats. Pete was standing next to the couch he was sitting on watching everyone with eyes sharp as a dagger.

Since Vegas was the leader of one of the most influential mafia groups, his life was in constant danger. That's why Pete got the job a couple years ago. To protect Vegas. And along the lines they became friends, both almost being the same age and all.

"My, my, Vegas. Who's this beautiful young man you got?" A guy couple years older than Vegas sat next to the ravenette. Pete watching his every move no emotion on his face. "My bodyguard," Vegas looked to the side with a slight smirk. "And he's off limits. So don't even think about it Wei." Although his aura seemed friendly his eyes held a threatening glint.

Looking Pete up and down the man nodded letting Vegas' words fly right past his head. "Well, I'll see you and your bodyguard around. Hopefully." He said the last word with eyes lingering on Pete. The brunette was a bit grossed out but nothing he can do about it

"Fucking pig." Vegas muttered with a scowl looking at Pete. Sighing loudly, Vegas spread his arms around the back of the couch careful as to not spill anything on his sparkling white suit. Pete wanted to forget every second of that weird interaction sighing to himself.

This was gonna be a long night.

And indeed it was. Pete just followed Vegas around eyeing everyone the mafia spoke to, always having his gun in reach. But as he was doing his job, he felt someone watching him. Studying his every move. It sent shivers down his spine and he didn't like it.

While Pete was busy with Vegas, he didn't notice the suspicious activity taking place. There was a person, watching all the cameras in the huge ballroom, trying not to get caught but also spilling something into someone's drink. He was dressed as a bartender, his boss giving him a nod of approval.

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