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Pt. 2 to azalea

Genre: sad, angst

Vegas couldn't pinpoint the exact moment where he knew he wasn't in love with Pete anymore.

Maybe it was around the time the new recruits for their company had gotten introduced.

When he locked eyes with a silver haired beauty.

Maybe that's when he forgot all about his boyfriend.

And suddenly, Vegas no longer spent his days thinking about Pete like he used to.

The silver haired beauty, Tay, had occupied all of his mind.

Having conversations with Tay, there was a nagging feeling at the back of his head. Like he knew what he was doing was wrong, yet he couldn't stop.

Each day the more he saw of Tay, the less he thought of Pete.

And suddenly Vegas' world didn't revolve around Pete anymore.

Suddenly, Pete wasn't in his heart anymore.

He had been so busy with his new-found love that he didn't pay attention to his boyfriend.

Vegas couldn't see the pink petals in the trash. He couldn't see how tired and skinny Pete had gotten with eye bags so dark it contrasted against his pale skin.

No, Pete wasn't on his mind anymore.

It was all about Tay now.

"Do you still..love me, Vegas?" The question had him pause, did he? But Vegas just smiled. "Of course I do, Pete. What kind of a question is that?"

He failed to see the last bits of hope in Pete's eyes get crushed, going into the kitchen. 

Vegas failed to hear the painful coughs that racked his boyfriends body. He was too busy smiling at the text he had gotten from Tay. 

Minutes later, Vegas was practically glowing. 

"Babe, I'm going to head out really quickly, okay?" 

"O-okay." The response had Vegas worry. Is he sick? Maybe I shouldn't-

He was cut off by the notification sound from his phone. 

There was this feeling that something was extremely wrong. It stirred in the pit of his stomach and made him feel uneasy. 

It's been with him ever since Tay entered his life. Is it a guilty conscience? Probably. 

And so, he walked out of the apartment, blissfully unaware of what Pete was going through. 

The park near their apartment was where he'd agree to meet Tay. 

Vegas waved at the silver-haired who was sat on the swing set. 

"Hey." Tay smiled, one that Vegas gave back before sitting next to him. "Sorry for calling you so late, I'm sure you were busy." 

Vegas swallowed the ball of guilt stuck in his throat before he let out, "no, it's fine. I wasn't doing anything important." 

"Still, sorry. It may see kind of dumb but I just didn't want to be alone." The soft blush on Tay's cheek had Vegas' heart melt. 

He reminds me of Pete when we first met. And Vegas continued smiling. 

The two didn't talk much. Just sat on the swing set and rocked back and forth. 

It took him back to college, him and Pete's obsession with both swings and competition. 

"I bet I can go higher than you." Pete laughed watching the doubt on his boyfriends face. 

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