Tell Me You Love Me (1)

663 54 7

Genre: sad
Mini Series

He was used to it by now. Waking up to an empty bed. Pete stared at the crumpled bedsheets where his husband lay. That familiar emptiness settled in his heart again.

Getting out of the bed Pete tried to not to dwell on his hurting chest and got ready for the day. But it didn't work as he got lost in his thoughts in the shower.

I hoped he wouldn't leave so early. At least not today.

Shaking the thoughts off Pete quickly put on clothes. A simple pair of black baggy jeans along with a gray hoodie. He pocketed his phone before driving out to the café.

He saw the name come in view, parking in the back and being ambushed by his friends.

"Happy birthday Pete!" The group of men yelled as Porsche tackled him into a hug. A smile rose up on Pete's face as he wrapped his arms around his best friend. "You guys."

"You thought we forgot didn't you?" Porsche smiled holding Pete. "How could I forget my best man's birthday."

The brunette laughed, eyes tearing up at the cake Arm brought forth. "I decorated it." Pol proudly raised his arms in the air. Pete chuckled at the wonky handwriting, trying not to fall apart. "It's amazing. Thank you guys. Truly."

"You deserve it Pete. We all love you very much." Arm put the cake down and the boys tackled Pete who squealed. "I love you guys too."

But despite the happy surprise there was an ache in Pete's heart. Why didn't Vegas remember my birthday?

After a day of fun with his friends Pete was back in their house. Turning on the living room lights he was met with the familiar feeling of disappointment as he was the only one there.

Throwing his body to the couch he got a text message. He launched himself at the phone hoping it was Vegas.


You brat! Don't remind me 😖
But thank youuuuuuu🤍
macau hearted this message

Pete's eyes teared up. How could Macau remember but not Vegas? A bitter chuckle left his throat as he wiped the crystal liquid that dropped down his cheeks.

Pete knew who Vegas was before marrying him, he loved and accepted that part of him. Vegas wasn't one to openly show his affection because of the way he grew up. He was quiet and more reclusive than Pete.

Despite how he was though, Vegas never failed to show Pete how much he loved him. How much the younger meant to him. But that was in the past.

Ever since Vegas took over his father's company almost two years ago, he changed. The older would be gone early and home late. Pete barely saw his husband and when he did Vegas was too preoccupied with his work.

They haven't had a proper conversation in days. Just a simple 'how are you' and 'how was your day' exchanged. Completely different to how they would stay up all night talking about everything.

Pete hated it. It made him feel like he wasn't important enough for Vegas.

At one point he even thought the older was cheating on him. It led to one of the nastiest fights in their relationship and ever since that day it seemed like they were drifting further and further apart.

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