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Genre: angst-ish

See, Vegas wouldn't call himself a jealous person. He's never cared enough about someone to get the tight feeling in his chest anytime someone was close to the other individual. But he knew that he had to throw out those thoughts upon meeting his boyfriend.

Glaring holes into Ken's body Vegas wore a deep scowl. He didn't appreciate how the blond was all up in Pete's space looking over his shoulder. What pissed him off even more was the fact that Pete didn't look like he minded. Like it was a normal interaction with him.

Scoffing at the laugh emitting from Ken Vegas crossed his arms. What's so funny that you're laughing? Pete's jokes are terrible. He thought about when he laughed at the corny jokes, trying to get a date with the brunette.

Angrily sipping on the water in front of him Vegas bunched up the jeans he was wearing not wanting to create a scene in the restaurant. Pete noticed his boyfriends off behavior and spoke up. "Hey, babe. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah baby. Nothings wrong." Vegas forced on a smile seeing that stupid smirk still on Ken's face. Looks like someone's gonna die. Vegas clenched his jaw when Pete went back to his conversation with Ken.

He knew his boyfriend was a very friendly person but that doesn't mean he has to let Ken be overly touchy with him. I'm going to break those fingers one by one. Vegas found himself thinking.

His last straw was Ken putting on arm around Pete trying to get something and he stood up. His chair screeched against the floor but he didn't care, going over and grabbing Pete's wrist. Pulling the unsuspecting boy out of his seat, quite harshly, Vegas began dragging Pete out of the building leaving behind curious customers and a confused Ken.

"Vegas what's going on? Why did you just leave?" His boyfriend was going so fast Pete had a hard time trying to keep up. "Vegas let me go." Pete could feel the pain start to crawl up his arm from the way Vegas was holding him. He was sure there was going to be a bruise. "It hurts, Vegas. Let me go."

That seemed to snap the other out of his trance stopping his speed walking and letting go of Pete. The older frowned grabbing his wrists seeing the red marks on his wrists. Vegas closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, Pete. I-are you okay?"

Pete sighed keeping his anger at bay. "I'm okay but what the fuck was that? Why did you just storm out of the place and why did you take me with you?" A deep crease formed in the middle of his bunched eyebrows.

Vegas sighed for the umpteenth time rubbing his face. "I didn't like that Ken guy. He was being too touchy with you. I should just cut his hands off." Vegas whispered the last part. Pete's anger boiled down and his shoulders dropped.

"Oh my fucking god. You made me walk all this way and created a scene just because you were jealous?" Hearing it from a second persons perspective had Vegas realizing how stupid that might've been. "In my defense, he shouldn't have been so close to you. And you shouldn't have let him." Vegas crossed his arms.

"If you were jealous you could've just told me, not leave the guy waiting there in the restaurant."

"We're not going back. He can stay there as long as he wants." Vegas rolled his eyes while a smile curled up Pete's handsome face. The brunette threw his arms up walking towards the other. "God what am I supposed to do with you."

He wrapped his boyfriend in a hug looking at him in the eyes. "I thought you said you didn't get jealous." Vegas mumbled. "I thought a lot of things before I met you." Pete laughed, hitting Vegas in the shoulder.

"I'm still hungry, let's go get food somewhere else." Pete suggested while his boyfriend agreed. Holding Pete's hand, this time more gently, he brought up the olders wrist to his lips before planting a kiss. "Let's go."


Literally everyone on our schools dance team is such a bitch. Especially this one girl, lets call her Y.

So, it's as obvious as day to the whole team that Y has a crush on my ex even when we were dating. Anyways, now that we've broken up she tries so hard to make me jealous 🤡🤡

Any time I'm around she's always saying his name so loudly. Like "oh yeah K talked to me today." Okay good for you. And after that she would give me such a smug look. Back when we were dating K always told me how annoying he thought she was. So this was just really funny to listen to.

She's always trying to brag to me about the conversations she had and the "things" he does for her. "Oh we're basically dating at this point, he likes me, blah blah"
She shouldn't be this cocky, like between us honey, only one of us has seen his dick. So she can like..chill and stop trying to make me jealous. I don't care about her and her delulu ass😭😭

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