My Only One

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Genre: Sad x2
Trigger Warning: Attempted Suicide
¡Read at your own risk!

Pete sighed staring down from the top of the building he was on. He was working but had needed fresh air after seeing Vegas and Tay together. Like always. The brunette held onto the railings of the extremely tall buildings somehow still nearing the honking of cars down below.

Staring at the blurry people who looked more like ants, Pete thought to himself. What would it feel like to fall? Would I hurt myself badly, or just die on the spot? Though he didn't get to act on those dangerous thoughts turning around when he heard the access door open.

He really hoped it would be Vegas but he was let down seeing Porsche. "Why are you here?" The tanned male asked approaching him by the edge. "Nothing. Just needed to clear my head." Pete was such a good actor, he deserved an Oscar at this point.

No one could tell the fact that Pete was not okay. That he's been struggling for months hiding everything behind fake smiles and excuses. The brunette doesn't know if he should be happy or sad. It seems that his friends don't truly care for him as much as they let on. But at the same time he might have a bright future in acting.

"Hey, are you okay? You've been a bit off." Pete nodded easing his friend's worries with another fake smile. "I'm fine. My grandma's been feeling a bit ill maybe that's why." that wasn't a lie. his grandma had been feeling ill and Pete wanted to visit her.

"Oh, okay. well, i think you should go see her and tell me if anything is wrong." Pete nodded while Porsche grinned and patted the youngers shoulder. "We should be getting back to work now." Porsche followed Pete back into the building.

Couple days later and the brunette had found himself on the rooftop again. To no surprise he was crying trying to take the thought of the man he was hopelessly in love with out of his head. Why do you do this to me stupid heart? He looked ahead with his blurry vision. Why do you keep yearning for someone who's never going to be yours?

Shakily holding onto the railings his mind took him back to the thoughts he had the other day. Everything will be better if I just leave. Pete cried harder at the thought. Maybe when I'm dead I'll stop feeling like I want to claw my heart out of my chest. Its not like anyone is going to care anyways, I've always been a nuisance to my friends. Pete's shoulders shook up and down, body shaking like a leaf in the wind.

Impulsively climbing over the safety railing Pete sobbed looking down at the streets. His bangs had stuck to his forehead knees feeling weak as he slowly fell on them. No, no. I don't want this. The more Pete looked down at the scary cars, loud wind blowing in his ears he knew he didn't want to die.

Pete had a death grip on the metal rod trying to pull himself up, but someone opened the door freaking out Pete. The brunette attempted to turn around quickly but he lost his footing since the edge he was on was thin. Before he knew it Pete had slipped and was making his way down the building rapidly.

No. His limbs aggressively worked but he knew whatever he did was useless. Looking up at the top of the building, it kept getting further and further away, the ground getting closer.

A single tear flew upwards from his eyes in the sky as Pete closed them bracing his body for impact.

"Pete, give me attention." Vegas pouted throwing himself on the older. Pete could only groan but didn't complain wrapping his arms around Vegas. "Why do you suddenly need attention?" The younger shrugged with a smile. "I just do."

"Happy birthday! Whooh!" Vegas threw his arms around the older. "You're so old Pete."

Loud laughs filled the quiet night air Pete and Porsche running up and down his street ding dong ditching everyone. "You go, do it." Pete nudged his friend tears in his eyes from laughing too much.

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