Why Like Him?

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Genre: fluff

Sighing silently staring at the distant lunch table where his crush sat talking to his friends, Pete was so busy he didn't notice the tray next to his. "Hey, are you okay?" Porsche asked only getting back a hum as his answer.

Following Pete's eyes to a particular table, rather a particular person the tanned male kept his silence. "Ugh." Pete groaned for the thousandth time picking up the greasy pizza from his lunch tray.

"Pete.." the pale man hummed finally tearing his eyes off of the ravenette. "Why do you like Vegas anyways?" That took Pete aback as he thought about it blinking several times. "Like no offense but he's not that great. At least not from what I've seen."

"Well.." Pete began. "I like Vegas because he's funny and he's sweet. He pretends not to care about anything and always has an unreadable face on but in reality he's a considerate person. He might not look like it but he's sensitive and he's kind. People might view him as a complete asshole from what he chooses to show them about himself, but I know that there's way more to him. I like that he can be silly and serious at the same time. And he's not afraid to speak his mind. I also like the fact that he's always making sure things are okay for me. Like the time Ken was getting too touchy, he helped me out of that situation. And when I had gotten sick and left he texted me if I was okay. I like that he always cares enough to tell me what I missed in class and doesn't shy away from helping me. I also love the fact that he only does it to me and not anyone else. I like Vegas because he can maintain eye contact with me. It's really stupid, I know, but I've mentioned to him how to me keeping eye contact while talking to someone is like a sign that you're listening to each other. And every time I ramble to him he doesn't fail to keep that gaze on me. He can be really out of pocket sometimes but that's what I love about him. I just really, really like Vegas."

Porsche sat there absolutely stunned at that beautiful speech kind of embarrassed because if someone asked him why he likes Kinn he would say something stupid. "Damn. My friend," he laid a hand on Pete's shoulder, "you've got it so bad."

Pete looked over at the other table again seeing Vegas already looking at him. The two looked at each other for a split second before Vegas flashed a small smile at him and continued the conversation he was having.

The pale man sighed. "I do in fact have it horrendous."

VegasPete Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now