Their Wedding

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Genre: angst

Pete's heart was thumping in his chest so violently. Looking at all the people rushing around everywhere he felt like he couldn't breathe. His thoughts were going haywire and he he was beginning to regret everything.

"Where's Vegas?" He asked Porsche who was fixing his own suit. "Kinn said that he's in the other tent getting ready. Why? What's wrong?" Porsche asked being worried for his best friend. "Nothing, nothing is wrong. I was just curious that's all." The tanned male examined Pete a bit.

The way his friend was bopping his leg up and down his shaky eyes searching everywhere through the mirror in front of him and his paper white knuckles. His face looked a bit pale but the makeup helped hide it. You wouldn't notice unless you stared directly at his face.

Porsche bent down in front of his friend grabbing Pete's hands. "Hey, it's okay if you're nervous. This is a big day for you and Vegas. Heck! You guys are getting married. I think anyone would be nervous. Just deep breaths okay." Pete nodded trying to follow Porsche's advice and breathe with the older.

But instead of getting better he just felt like he was going to puke.

"Better?" The tanned male fixed his hair. Pete lied through his teeth. "Yeah." No.

Once Porsche left Pete let out a deep breath holding his head in his heads. What the fuck was wrong with him? He was getting married to the love of his life today, the kind and sweet most generous man he's met in his life. He should be over the moon, not sick to his stomach.

Just the thought of that ring on his finger and that legal tie is making him feel lightheaded.

This time his mother approached him gently caressing her sons face with a smile. "You look so handsome dear." She tucked a loose strand of hair behind Pete's ear. But upon sensing something wrong she frowned. "What's wrong darling?"

Pete's eyes filled with tears but he tried blinking them away. "I don't know, mom. I'm so fucking nervous." She cooed grabbing a tissue. "Look up." Pete did as he was told and she used the tissue to soak up his tears. "It's alright sweetheart. Getting married is a big thing, I would be concerned if you weren't nervous. But walking down that aisle and seeing Vegas all of it is going to go away. It's just going to be you and him in that moment. It's going to melt all your doubts away, my love. Trust me." She kissed his head and walked away to go help the organizers.

The brunette felt like sobbing. It doesn't seem like Pete's going to feel that way any time now.

He grabbed a white napkin off the makeup table along with a brown eyebrow pencil. Holding the makeup tool his hands were shaking so bad that he couldn't write anything. Checking the tent with the mirror he noticed that only one person was left, and that person was just about to leave.

So when no one else was with him he began writing, scribbling down his thoughts and putting the pencil down when he was done.

Closing his eyes Pete took off his tie and placed it next to the napkin. Getting up on his feet the brunette turned around from the entrance/exit where he was supposed to meet Vegas and went out the back door.

Meanwhile Vegas was getting himself ready fixing his hair and clothes for the millionth time that day. "You look fine." Macau assured his brother the two chuckling. "I know, but I still can't help but obsess. This day has to go perfectly Macau." His little brother smiled lightly. "It is. Don't worry. This is going to be the happiest day of your life."

This was the worst day of his life.

After Porsche informed everyone that Pete was missing two minutes before the wedding ceremony all hell broke loose. So many people were running around everywhere looking for him.

Vegas should've been doing the same too. But he was frozen. He couldn't think straight and after a while he finally managed to move his feet. Vegas ran across the wedding field and into Pete's tent eye's immediately landing on the napkin Pete wrote on.

He nervously walked towards it his trembling hands picking up the material.

Upon reading it Vegas felt his whole life shatter on his back.

I can't do this Vegas. I'm so sorry, it'd be selfish of me to ask you to forgive me. I don't expect you to. I just need you to know that I truly am sorry. Please be happy with someone that will know your worth. Someone that's better than me.


Vegas felt his legs go weak and he slumped on the couch. His vision slowly began blurring with incoming tears, hand falling and hitting the leather.

Everyone else had followed him into the tent stopping in the entrance seeing the groom in his suit sobbing hysterically.

Vegas was covering his face while his shoulders shook and muffled sounds came out from in between his fingers.

"Phi.." Macau stepped forward his own heart breaking for the situation his brother was in. Vegas looked up. "He left." He showed everyone the note. "He left me." The ravenette whispered his eyes filling with tears once more.

Macau got down on his knees to embrace the older man and Vegas let his brother comfort him. He buried his face in Macau's shoulder letting out all his tears.

This day could not have gotten any worse.

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