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Genre: Fluff

"Wake up, wake up it's Christmas." A wobbly toddler pushed open his parents bedroom door followed by his three younger siblings. Venice was the first one to climb onto the bed followed by their youngest Dria then Paris and lastly his twin Vienna.

"Come on papa we want presents." Dria pulled off the blankets while Vienna stuck her finger up Vegas' nose and Venice patted Pete's face. "Ugh. Go away kids." Pete spoke up while Vegas jolted awake seeing his daughter giggling while on top of him. "But papa it's Christmas." Paris who was calmly standing by the side said.

"Oh god, it's Christmas." Vegas mumbled trying to close his eyes. Dria frowned. "No Pa. Stay awake." She tried manually peeling his eyelids away from each other.

Pete on the other hand had accepted his fate and sat up hugging Venice. He then soon was joined by Paris. "Good morning." The two chirped. Pete was going to respond but his husband interrupted him. "Okay okay I'm up." Vegas sighed rubbing his temples while Dria cheered.

"Let's go open presents let's go let's go." Vienna began dragging Pete out of bed. The brunette had no power over his 10 year old and just let himself be pulled away from his sweet, sweet bed. Paris and Venice followed behind like little ducks. "Me too?" Vegas saw his youngest giving him that adorable dimpled smile and nodded.

She cheered and climbed on Vegas' back, the parent grinning while getting off the bed and walking her to the living room. Dria's elder siblings were already busy trying to distinguish which present belonged to who.

Vegas let down his daughter from his back and joined Pete on the couch. Both of them looked like zombies but it was worth it to see those cute smiles on their children's faces. Vegas wrapped his arms around Pete, head laying on the others shoulder.

The parents tried not to fall back asleep while the children were going crazy over what they received. Especially Venice. "Yes yes yes yes!" He did a little happy dance holding up the remote control of a car he's been wanting a while. "Be careful with that. Don't run into anybody's foot." Pete warned.

"I won't." Venice began messing around with it driving the toy vehicle backwards, to the left and forward.

"So what did you get for me?" Pete asked sweetly blinking at his dear husband. Vegas smirked slyly. "I am the gift, love." The grin wiped off Pete's face. "Hope you have a receipt."
"Why do you hurt me?" The couple exchanged a few soft giggles.

"I almost forgot." Vienna yelled making everyone flinch. "Honey no yelling in the house." Vegas reminded her about one of the rules. "Sorry Pa. Wont happen again." She said screaming as she ran down the hall to her room. Vegas and Pete shared a look before Dria tugged at the olders pants.

"Papa, I think it's broken." She held up the mini tree that came with her doll set sadly. Pete grabbed it turning it upside down. He found the on/off switch. "It's not broken honey." He said, turning it on. Vegas watched as the toy tree lit up and so did Dria's eyes. "Woah." She said softly taking the toy.

"Isn't this so pretty?" Paris came up to her parents while Dria continued assembling what looked like a doll army. There was a pretty diamond ring on her finger. It was what Vegas got her after finding out how much she liked it. "It is darling. It suites you so much." Paris grinned at her Pa admiring the pretty jewelry.

Vienna had come back almost tripping. "Careful." Pete was ignored. She held up two bracelets with little flower beads strung on. "I made you these, but I forgot to wrap it." She handed each one to Vegas and Pete.

The couple almost cried cuz wtf that's so cute!

"Awh, thank you baby." Pete said kissing her forehead while Vegas smiled at the similar patterns. "They are very beautiful darling." Vegas ruffled her already disheveled hair and she smiled happily, gums peeking out.

"When are Pai and his parents going to come?" Paris asked picking up the wrapping paper. She was the calm one between her siblings. Vegas had gotten on his knees trying to help his daughter. After all, there's only so much her tiny hands could carry. "They said they would be here after opening their presents," the doorbell rang, "or now."

Pete got up going to open the door being greeted with his best friend and his family. "Merry Christmas." Porsche smiled holding a bunch of gifts. Kinn was behind him along with a buzzing Prapai.

"Hi guys, merry Christmas." Vegas greeted his cousins while Paris waved happily. "Why are you guys here so early? I thought we said after presents." Kinn put the stuff he was holding down. "Yeah, but that isn't a specific time. Plus, these two were too excited." He pointed to Porsche conversing with Pete and Pai who was already playing with Venice.

Vegas nodded. "Makes sense. Do you want to help me make breakfast?" Kinn nodded already rolling up his sleeves.

"Boys, don't hurt anybody or leave it cause someone might step on it and trip." Porsche warned Venice and Pai who had both gotten toy cars. "Don't worry dad we won't." Pai said but the two were already planning a race.

Everyone was busy in the big house. Dria was still building her army, Paris had wanted to help her Pa and uncle cook, Pai and Venice were playing and Vienna was coloring on the back of the wrapping paper with the new markers Vegas got her. Girl was sure creative.

"Breakfast!" That single word had made everyone drop what they were doing and run towards the big kitchen table. "Wait," Pete raised his arms. "Shouldn't we wait for the others?"

Again, doorbell.

This time Porsche opened it and behind it were their friends. He didn't even notice Rain and Sky running towards Pai and Venice.

Type was the only sane one who wasn't extremely happy but rather sleep deprived. Of course Tharn had to have that large smile on his face. "Merry Christmas." Kuea and Lian said. "Everyone is just in time. Merry Christmas guys."

Porsche let them in everyone making room on the table. "Why did you guys want to meet so early? Couldn't we have done like the afternoon?" Type asked making Tharn jab an elbow into his ribs. "What he means is, thank you for having us. Who cooked?" Everyone laughed when Tharn's face fell upon Kinn raising his hand.

"Don't worry I did most the work." The relief washed over Tharn when Vegas raised his hand.

Last thing they needed was food poisoning from Kinn's cooking.

Their Christmas was perfect. Everyone was huddled together laughing and cracking jokes while poking fun at each other. Their children were in their own world with each other not minding the loud adults.


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