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Genre: Smut

Vegas opened the door walking in while holding a pillow to his lap. Pete who was on the bed scrolling through his phone didn't bother to look up knowing that it was just his boyfriend. Waddling towards the bed, Vegas took the pillow from his lap and sat next to Pete.

Poking the olders cheek got his attention, Pete raising a questioning eyebrow. Grabbing the brunette's face, Vegas pressed their lips together, the phone in Pete's hand falling on the bed. The bottom was shocked but he still kissed back, eyes fluttering shut.

Moving Pete from his place on the bed to his lap, Vegas could feel the olders surprise upon landing on his boner but he was too horny and didn't stop there. Harshly biting down on the brunettes lip Vegas stuck his tongue in exploring Pete's mouth eagerly.

It was fast and so rough Pete had a hard time keeping up but that didn't stop the small moans trying to escape past his lips. Pulling away Vegas broke the string of saliva connecting their lips going to attack Pete's neck. He left dark marks in different shades of red and purple on the latter's milky white skin.

Pete grabbed Vegas' shoulders struggling to string together a coherent sentence. "Vegas..Vegas not tonight.." he tilted his head giving the younger more room even though he was too tired for what Vegas wanted to do. "Not tonight please...Vegas.." Pete pushed the older away catching his breath.

"I had a long day today." The younger sighed rubbing Pete's bare thighs. His hands kneaded the soft flesh getting an idea. "Can I fuck your thighs? Please?" Pete had his hands go up from Vegas' shoulders to the youngers cheeks, pinching them. "Yeah, go for it. Horny bastard." The older pecked his boyfriend's lips.

Switching their positions, Vegas knew of Pete's habit to only sleep with a shirt and short shorts on. His naughty hand slipped in between the other's thighs, messaging them as he was assisted with taking off his sweats.

He was hard, alright. Vegas cursed at himself mentally. He really should stop thinking about Pete otherwise he's going to get a boner everywhere.

A low moan rises from his boyfriend's pink lips when Pete grabbed his hard dick pumping it a few times. Guiding the member in between his legs, Pete closed the gap between his thighs. Vegas' fingernails dug into his waist enjoying the feeling. But of course it wasn't as good as Pete himself, but he can't demand sex of his lover is too tired to take it up the ass.

Thrusting his hips up gradually Vegas chewed on his bottom lip head almost hitting the headboard. He doesn't know why but his body was extra sensitive today getting stimulated with just a single touch. Pete enjoyed seeing this side of Vegas. Usually he would be too much of a mess to even notice how hot his lover looked.

Vegas sucked in a breath moaning shakily when he felt Pete tense his thighs. Grabbing at the flesh, " about you is...perfect," Vegas flashed him a lopsided grin letting out unholy sounds while going faster between Pete's thighs.

Pete liked having control over Vegas. He loosened up his thighs smiling internally at the soft glare he received. Vegas used his hands to push together his legs again continuing what he was doing. It was amusing for him to see just how much he could affect Vegas.

Long strings of curses left the younger who was at this point lowkey a whining mess. "Fuck..Pete.. ngh~" Vegas was panting, almost nearing the edge. "Shit.." even in his state he still managed to keep eye contact with Pete, although his eyes were getting a bit droopy.

"You're so...gorgeous.." he flashed his lover a smile before coming all over the white shirt that belonged to Pete. Vegas still had that iron grip on Pete's hips pulling him closer. "Sorry for the shirt." Pete moved the damp hairs from his lovers forehead. "It's okay. Feeling better?" Vegas nodded planting a long kiss on Pete's lips.

"I'll get you a new shirt don't worry." Sliding off the bed Vegas pulled up his sweats again, rummaging the wardrobe for a new shirt. Finding a suitable black one he threw it to Pete who was already undressed.

The insides of his thighs were red and he was pretty sure that there were bruises on his hips and waist. But it was worth it. And we all know that Pete didn't mind it at all.

Throwing his shirt on the floor somewhere, next to the laundry hamper, Vegas crawled into bed. He had absolutely no energy to do anything. Only sliding his arms under Pete turning the older around and pulling him against his chest.

"Good night." The top whispered kissing Pete's head like he did every night. "Good night."

Pete had his cheek resting on Vegas' arm hugging his torso while the ravenette laid his hand on Pete's ass. It was a comfortable position for the both of them.


I tried☹️
I'm usually better at describing things that happened to me believe it or not

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