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Genre: fluff

"Papa, papa." Paris yelled clumsily stumbling to his father who watched, amused, as the little girl climbed the couch. "What is it princess?" Pete turned off his phone full attention on the tiny human. "Can you please tell me the story again?" She asked cutely holding a rabbit plushie between her arms.

"You want to hear it so bad?" Paris nodded smiling big at her papa, teeth on fully display along with her adorable dimples. Pete pretended to think about, scooping up the little girl in his arms. "Okay. But first let's get your brother, I'll tell you guys the story together and then you have to fall asleep, yeah?"

Paris nodded being carried to her shared room with her older brother. In there was Venice who just finished building something with his Lego's. "Hi baby." Pete said putting Paris down on her bed. "Hi papa." Venice whispered putting both hands in the air. "I did it." He said to himself making Pete coo.

"Baby why don't you get in bed, I'm going to tell you and your sister a story." Venice gasped scrambling to his bed. "Is it that story?" Pete nodded loving how excited his son got. Venice got under the bedsheets staring at Pete expectantly.

"Okay, well, once upon a time in New York City there was a great rivalry between two powerful men. One fought for good while the other fought for bad." Pete started, watching the excitement in his children's eyes shimmer.

"For years and years they fought and grew with each other. During those battles and fights, in one of them specifically, the hero got injured. He got hurt so bad that he was close to dying, bleeding uncontrollably. The hero thought that was it for him he expected the villain to leave him there and announce his victory." Paris squealed knowing where it leads and Pete smiled at his daughter.

"Paris hush." Venice said.

"Except the villain did something totally unexpected. He took off his shirt to wrap the hero in, stopping the bleeding the best he could. Although the hero was going unconscious from losing so much blood, he could still see the panic in the villain's eyes, how his hands shook while pressing the shirt to his side.

The hero never expected that level of care from someone he's been going against for so long. It turns out that the villain carried him to the nearest hospital and when he woke up, there he was. Covered in blood holding the hero's hand while he was asleep by the bed. The hero didn't know what to make of the situation, should he move his hand or let the villain sleep peacefully?
Unfortunately the hero didn't have much time to stare at the villain as he woke up. Getting bombarded with questions the villain disappeared for a doctor and the hero discovered a new side of his rival.

From that day on they stopped fighting for no reason, the hero helping the villain. Together they formed a bond and started a relationship. Everything with them was going great. Of course the city was surprised seeing the two together and not fighting but after a lot of speeches and fighting with the citizens, the hero made the city realize how truly great the villain was. And he wasn't ever called the villain again. Instead they called him hero 2.0." Pete laughed, smiling in content seeing his two children sleep.

He fixed Paris' blanket leaving a kiss on her forehead, doing the same thing for Venice. Standing by the door he sighed staring at the two adorable little beans. "In the end, the hero ended up marrying his villain and they had two cute children together."

Turning off the lights and closing the door, Pete walked into the kitchen seeing his husband. Wrapping his arms around Vegas, Pete laid his head on the others shoulder. "Are the kids sleeping?" Vegas asked grabbing Pete's hands. "Yep. Did you get the groceries?"

Vegas hummed as a reply. "And I put them away." He turned around, Pete kissing his husband on the lips. "I heard you tell them the story again." Vegas grinned. "Yeah they love it. Paris can't sleep without it." The two chuckled together Vegas gently caressing Pete's face.

"We should head to bed too." The brunette said grabbing his husbands hand. "Yeah you're right." Following Pete out of the kitchen, Vegas didn't let go of his husbands hand and just watched his back while walking with an adoring smile on his face.

Getting to their bedroom, Pete fell on the bed dragging down Vegas with him. The younger moved the couple hairs off Pete's face kissing his forehead. "Good night my love."
"Good night." One last kiss and the two closed their eyes.

Vegas was holding onto Pete tightly still scared of letting the older go. It's been years and years, yet the fear of losing the one he loved still haunts him.


Plz answer this, it's very important. I need to decide an ending for my book.


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