I Love You (2)

601 68 17

Genre: sad
Mini Series pt. 2

Vegas couldn't sleep all night. Pete's words kept ringing in his ears and any time he tried to close his eyes, the brunette's crying face would fill his vision.

His head hurt and eyes were burning as Vegas managed to pull himself out of bed. He was like a zombie; taking a shower and getting dressed. His eyes landed on the empty bed where he would usually see Pete asleep.

Just the thought of this being his everyday for the rest of his life brought that nauseating feeling of guilt back.

He knows that he has been spending too much time in the office ever since he got promoted. Vegas knows that he has been neglecting his husband. He knows that the younger has every right to be upset at him. But that doesn't stop Vegas from trying to get his husband again.

Knocking on the office door brought Vegas back as he sighed and fell back on his chair. He turned around staring at the setting sun.

"Come in." His secretary walked in holding a big yellow envelope. She looked a bit scared.

"Sir, this was dropped off for you." She placed the packet on Vegas' desk. "Thank you. You can go now." As the sound of her heels clicked out of his office Vegas turned around and leaned forward to open the packet.

The whole world crashed around him leaving his ears ringing as he pulled out divorced papers. And there it was, Pete's signature at the bottom of the page.

"Fuck." Pulling himself up and out of the chair Vegas didn't bother for his jacket as he stormed out of the office. His secretary flinched as the door hit the wall. Hard.

Everyone avoided eye contact with Vegas as he stomped his way down to the underground parking and got into his car. The stupid yellow packet was carelessly discarded into the passenger seat.

He didn't even realize he had made it to the café until the sign was staring him down.

Vegas probably looked crazy to everyone. His hair was sticking to his forehead while his tie was crooked and a few buttons on his shirt were undone. But he didn't care.

His eyes searched the empty café for the pale man, relief washing over him as he saw Pete emerge from the kitchen.

The brunette halted though, seeing Vegas there. "Vegas. What are you doing here?" Vegas approached the younger. "Stop." Pete held out his hand. "Don't-don't come any closer. Please."

Vegas' shoulders dropped as tears gathered in his eyes. "Did you sign the papers?"

"No I didn't sign the fucking papers!" His voice went softer. "I'm sorry, okay. I fucked up, but please don't do this. Please don't leave me I swear on everything that I'll change. Please," Vegas bit his bottom lip "I can't live without you."

Pete covered his face trying to keep strong for himself. But it was so hard. Seeing Vegas breaking down in front of him and not going to give the older a hug, telling him everything's okay; it was so fucking hard for him.

"What do you want me to do Pete? I'll do anything." He was practically begging at this point. "I want you to leave. Don't make this any harder than it has to be."

Vegas' chin wobbled as he harshly tried to wipe his tears. But more came to replace them seconds later. "Pete.."

"Just go. You said anything."

The ravenette nodded staring at Pete who was progressively getting more blurry by the second. "Fine. I'll leave, if that's what you want." With a last look at Pete, Vegas walked out of the café and got into his car.

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