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Genre: angst, sad
Trigger Warning: death

Venice Theerepanyakul, what is there to stay about that rebellious teen. Other than the fact that he never follows rules, always in trouble and never in his classes. He's always stressing out his dad with the amount of phone calls and interrupted work days.

Walking into the living room Venice slid his bag off his shoulder and didn't notice Vegas who was on the dining table. "Where have you been?" The sudden voice in the darkness made the 17 year old jump. "What the fuck pa. You scared me to death." Venice sighed turning on the light.

"Where the fuck were you Venice? Do you know what time it is?" Awkwardly scratching the back of his head Venice looked down at his shoes. "Yeah, I'm sorry pa. It won't happen again." The brunette always says to his pa, but never follows through. And Vegas is starting to lose patience with his only son.

"Venice you say that everyday and everyday you come home after midnight. Do you know how worried I was?" Venice sighed shoulders dropping. "Pa, you don't have to be worried for me, I'm a big boy." Turning around to go to his room, Vegas stopped the younger.

"So you're just not going to tell me that you also got into another fight today at school? Venice this is the fourth time this semester one more time and you're going to be expelled from the school." Vegas raised his voice little by little feeling the frustration creep up his back. Venice tried really hard not to roll his eyes. "Good. I didn't want to go to the school in the first place." He turned his back again.

"Venice turn your back on me one more fucking time and I will ground you for a month young man." Venice clenched his jaw, hands balling into fists. "Pa, I don't want to do this tonight. Just let me go to my room."
"No, this has gone too far Venice. I've been way too good with you and all you do is take advantage of me. Give me your phone."

The younger gasped appalled. "What?! No! I'm not giving you my phone." He protested. "Venice hand it over right now, you're grounded. Now you can go to your room and think about what you've been doing." Venice had blue flames emitting from his body as his knuckles turned paper white. Taking out the sleek device from his pocket he gave it to Vegas, whose angry eyes wavered.

"You can go now-" Venice scoffed grabbing his jacket and walking out of the house. "Venice get back here!" Vegas flinched when the door slammed shut.

Placing his sons phone down on the kitchen table, Vegas bunched up his shirt in his hand. He had a splitting headache and slumped in the dining chair. He has to wait for his son again, now.

Meanwhile Venice was on his motorcycle, helmet missing as he drove recklessly on the empty freeway. His head was buzzing with different thoughts and there was a hurricane in his heart. One emotion he can pinpoint though was guilt. So much guilt. Vegas' words rang in his ears, stopping on the side of the road.

Gripping the handle on his bike, Venice had the bike in between both his legs. Kicking the support thingy, he walked to the emergency phone booths.

Dialing Vegas' number he put the phone to his ear with shaky hands. It went straight to voicemail and Venice began talking. "Pa...I'm sorry for what's been happening lately. You've been so patient with me and I've just been pushing your limits." Tears gathered in his eyes and he struggled trying to keep his voice as steady as he could. "I'm sorry pa, I didn't realize how much you gave up for me. Please..please forgive me. I haven't said these words in years but I promise I will. I'll-ill be better. I'm going to come home now. I love you, Pa."

Hanging up the phone, Venice wiped his eyes and got on the bike again. Turning the other way towards his house, Venice began zooming on the freeway back home, to his pa. The wind was messing up his hair and drying his skin, it was extremely cold as well so after a while his face got numb.

Venice was on his way when a small animal suddenly appeared in front of his bike. "Shit!" He suddenly braked turning to the left, hitting the concrete wall with his side. "Fuck! Fuck!" Venice cried out in pain holding his side. His bike slid across the road and he was slumped against the wall. His sides were scratched, blood seeping through his white shirt while a cut appeared on his face.

"Oh god. Pa's actually going to kill me." Struggling to get up with his aching side, Venice finally managed to stand up. Slowly walking towards his bike he almost grabbed it when he heard loud honking.

Turning to the front he saw bright lights and before he had time to move away, overwhelming pain consumed his body. The truck hit him and he went flying in the air hitting the asphalt roughly, blood slowly pooling beneath his head. His eyes were fluttering open and shut before finally closing, head hitting the right.

Coming back home to the empty living room and dark kitchen, Vegas dragged his feet through the lonely house. His head hurt and his eyes were pulsing. Throwing his jacket on the floor, Vegas fell on the ground immediately, legs weak.

Soft almost inaudible sobs filled the empty house as he grabbed the place his heart was supposed to be in. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Venice. He had just come back from his sons funeral not wanting to live after witnessing his only child get buried in the ground.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you that night. "I should've-should've just let you g-go." Vegas sobbed loudly hitting his chest repeatedly. "It's all my fault, it's all my fault I'm sorry. Please, come back to me." Curling into a ball Vegas had his forehead on his knees still sobbing for his dead son.

Hours later when he managed to get himself somewhat together, Vegas unlocked his phone. His shaky fingers played the last voicemail he received from an unknown number. "Pa..." Vegas' eyes teared up hearing Venice's voice. "I'm sorry for what's been happening lately. You've been so patient with me and I've just been pushing your limits." Vegas shook his head tears streaming down his face.

"It's not your fault baby, I should've been more understanding." Vegas covered his face still listening to the shaky voice of his son, feeling his heart break after every word he heard.

"I'm sorry pa, I didn't realize how much you gave up for me. Please..please forgive me." There's nothing you have to ask for forgiveness for. "I haven't said these words in years but I promise I will. I'll-ill be better. I'm going to come home now."

He never came home. Venice never came home. He never said those words to his pa, he couldn't get a chance to.

"I love you, Pa." Hearing those words Vegas broke.

If only things had been different, if only I hadn't pushed him so much.


Idk wtf that was but it made me tear up writing it 💔

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