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Genre: sad angst
Trigger Warning: death
!Read at your own risk¡

He was numb.

Nothing felt real for Pete anymore. He felt nothing.

Watching as the love of his life was lowered into where he will stay for eternity he wished he could sob and cry like the people around him are doing. But honestly, he couldn't.

Pete held Venice's hand the little boys cries not really affecting him. It was fuzzy. He couldn't hear anything properly eyes fixated on the closed casket that was slowly being covered in dirt. What was wrong with him? His husband was just buried and he doesn't feel a single thing.

It was so sudden, Vegas' death. No one had seen it coming. The ravenette was healthy, eating proper meals and working out accordingly. Nothing was wrong. Family medical records were all good nothing out the ordinary.

Vegas' heart just stopped beating one day. He had a heart attack and that was the last time Pete saw his husband.

The brunette was broken out of his trance when Porsche came over to put his hand on his shoulder. "We should go now." Pete could hear normally now but yet his eyes didn't leave the ground. "Yeah, sure." He said dryly turning his gaze to Venice.

"You wanna go?" Venice nodded with sticky tears running down his cheeks. The little boy was dressed in his suit for his Pa's funeral matching with Pete. "I can take it from here. Don't worry." Pete said removing Porsche's hand. The tanned male couldn't press further on his friend and nodded. "Okay. Be safe."

Bending down to Venice's level to pick up the little boy, Pete walked across the cemetery not saying a word. His usually chatty son who would talk a mile a minute was quiet just staring at his fancy dress shoes. "Get in babe. Don't forget to buckle." Venice nodded glumly.

Pete got into the drivers side staring at the steering wheel for a second, thinking about how different their lives would be from now on. Starting the car he turned off the radio that began playing pulling out of the parking lot.

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" Kinn asked Porsche. The younger sighed. "I don't know."

Unlocking the house, upon walking in Pete was met with darkness. Turning on the living room lights and the hallway lights he threw his jacket on the couch. "Venice sweetie, why don't you go sleep." Venice nodded too tired from the days activities to argue. He just climbed up the stairs with his head hanging low.

Walking further into his own home felt so difficult for Pete. Every single corner was screaming Vegas and rubbing salt on his wounds further. Dropping on the couch like a bag of rocks he stared at the dimly ceiling.

Nothing felt real. He wished this was a dream. Oh how he desperately wished that he could jolt awake right now from this nightmare and his husband would be right there, snoring as he held onto Pete tightly.

Pete was like a zombie. Turning off the lights and stumbling into their, now his room. Falling on the bed after taking off his shoes he stared at Vegas' side.

The more he did the more tears welled up in his eyes before the softest sob escaped past his lips. He was doing good all day, but coming home to an empty one, it broke him. Shutting his eyes the tears ran down his temples as he continued crying, trying to keep the volume low to not upset Venice.

Oh, but it was so hard. It hurt so bad. To not see Vegas when he woke up in the morning, not creep on him while he was making breakfast, they could no longer have family picnics on Sunday's. Nothing was going to be the same.

He would never get to feel those arms around him, never hear that soothing voice telling him everything was going to be okay. Pete was never going to see Vegas again and the reality of it absolutely crushed him.

Pete was all alone now. His partner was gone. No one to annoy Kinn and Porsche with him. No one to share secrets with, or have stupid pointless conversations with. He had to watch Venice grow up by himself. Venice now only had Pete to share important milestones in his life with.

His vision was blurry head beginning to hurt the more he cried. But he just couldn't seem to stop. And to think that they were going to start extending their family. Give Venice a little sibling.

Pete doesn't think he can ever step foot into their room again and feel the same. There will always be that pain. The smell of Vegas' cologne. It was all just such a big slap to the face. Not to mention that their son was a spitting image of his father. It was just too much.

"Dad.." Pete opened his eyes hearing Venice. Sitting up he quickly wiped his tears seeing his son standing by the door. "I thought you were asleep sweetheart." Venice shook his head. "I couldn't go to bed."

Pete sighed opening his arms. "Come here my love." Venice ran to his dad on the couch being embraced by the warm hug of his father. Kissing the top of Venice's head, he could feel the tears build up again.

It was truly the worst day of his life. Holding his tiny son in his arms Pete lay awake all night up until the sun rose. Just silent tears streaming down his face as he struggled to grasp the new reality of his life.


 Rest In Peace Moon Bin

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Rest In Peace Moon Bin

Burn bright and beautiful our star. We love you so much 🤍🕊️

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